Chapter 37

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↠ Nathaniel Adam ↞

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↠ Nathaniel Adam ↞

Three months I think it's been. I honestly don't know. I stopped counting at one month. I just know for certain that Alexandra left more then a month ago.

I don't care though, who gives a fvck about someone who never gave a fvck about me. She never loved me. I fell for a girl who never saw me that way. Why would I waste more of my life thinking about her. I have nothing to be guilty about. If anything, I did everyone a favor by running her out of town and our lives.

"Babe come back to bed, it's getting so lonely without you." Rebecca pouted like an idiot when I turn to look at her. If your wondering if it's the same Rebecca from high school, then the answer is yes. She's always hitting my line and I finally took her offer a few weeks ago. We aren't going out, she's just a quick fvck when I want it.

"I'll be right there, just give me a fvcking second." I said annoyed.

Even hating Alexandra to get her out of my fvcking mind, does she still consume it. I hate her so much. I hate her with a passion. I hope I never see her stup!d selfish face again.

"Come one babe, I can't sleep without you." She whined. I looked back at her with a glare. "Shut the fvck up would ya. Stop with the fvcking whining already." She pouts again but doesn't say anything else.

When I'm done getting fresh air I close the bouncy door and get back into bed. Rebecca cuddles up to me but I push her back. Whimpering she turns her back to mine and goes to sleep. I follow after her.


"Dude when are you going to stop fooling around with Rebecca and other females?" Sam asked for the tenth time this month. I groan annoyed and rolled my eyes.

"Dude when are you going to stop pestering me about who I sleep with?" I say mockingly. He glares at me.

"Do you know what Alexandra would say about this?" I laugh "I don't care what that b!tch would say." I say between laughs.

"What have you done to yourself Nate. Ever since she left you've went off the rails. Sleeping and drinking your way through the day. Your father has been the one dealing with the company mostly. He's getting tired of your behavior. Micheal said that he'll take away the company and give it to your sister if you don't stop this foolishness Nate." I just shrug as I took another swing of my drink.

"Let him give her the company. I don't give a fvck. As long as you all leave me the fvck alone I'm great." I say taking yet another swing of my drink.

"Are you fvcking serious Nathaniel? You use to speak about how you couldn't wait for the day that you took over the family business. Your sister said no to taking it because she knew how much you wanted it since you were a boy. Are you really going to just throw all your hard work out the window for some childish behavior?!" I roll my eyes not looking at him.

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