Chapter 4

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↠ Alexandra Queen ↞

It's been three weeks since I haven't talked to Sam or Nathaniel. Well Nathaniel stopped talking to me. Which is kind of a blessing.

'Kind of'

'Shut it brain!'

After Sam told me he has had a feelings for me for quite sometime I didn't know how to respond to him. I told him to leave without saying anything else. I couldn't tell him I felt the same for him because it wasn't true, not anymore anyways. And I don't know if I could get them back just like that.

I feel so horrible for being so rude because he actually told and, didn't continue keeping it a secret. But he hurt me but, he was, no is my best friend. Why would he do something like that and risk letting me get hurt if he had feelings for me. It just makes no sense and it hurts me so much knowing it now.

Every time that Sam would come up to me I would walk away. He would spam me with messages for days but, I would ignore them. After a week of ignoring him all the time he gave up and stopped.

I only talk to Elizabeth and some new friends she made. I hang with them, but I only speak to her most of the time.

One thing that scares me is not knowing  if Sam and I could go back to normal after all this. What will happen to us?

I want to just blame Nathaniel for all of it, but I know it wasn't only his doing. Sam has equal fault in this. He accepted a childish game that involved hurting me to win. Did they really think I wouldn't find out?

That entire time I was pitying a girl I believed to not know. When in reality I did know her, I was her. The one being made fun of behind my back, I won't forgive them so easily. Nathaniel won't care but Sam... he needs understand that he can't hide something that would hurt our friendship like that. He's my best friend and because of that he should have seen how bad this would affect the relationship he and I have.

'Oh well, everything was already said and done there's no going back'

Going back to school. Today we had to give in our project for History class, Ms. Carman's project.

I asked Elizabeth to remind Nathaniel to do his part, he didn't complain and just did his work surprisingly. Elizabeth and I worked together though. We finished in no time, making sure to make space for Nathaniel's part to fit.

So we're waiting to present our project right now. The group that was before us was done presenting so than the Ms. Carman calls us up.

"Elizabeth Williams, Alexandra Queen and Nathaniel Adams come up now it's your turn to present" we walk up.

Once we're done presenting Ms. Carman tells us our grade which was a 95. As soon as the bell rings I head out of class to lunch with Elizabeth. As I start walking I remember to drop off my books in the locker.

"Hey Eliz I'm going to go to my locker to drop these off," I said motioning the books in my arms "I'll meet you in the lunch room" she says okay and we go our separate ways.

I reach my locker in no time, I open it up and place my books inside. I head for the lunch room to look for Elizabeth.

Once I reach the lunch room, I look around for Elizabeth and her new friends. When I finally find them I head to them but someone steps in my way.

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