Chapter 20

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Melody's POV~
I headed to my locker and put all my stuff away I saw that my locker was filled with little notes I read some of them, they were so cute they said that people missed me and rip etc.

At that moment I realized people did care about me it was just all in my head, I know exactly what to do when I get back home. I went to my first class with a huge smile on my face

I got on my phone while walking there, I went on snapchat and recored a video "Hey guys it's me Melody ofc *giggles* I'm actually heading to class... yes it's my first time going to school in forever, I'm actually kinda excited now" My caption was 'I just realized something (:'

I was in front of my class and knocked, My teacher opened the door and had wides eyes she covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes were getting teary "oh my god Melody is that really you" she says crying already aww

"Yeah, I'm real you can touch me if you want" I giggled "Ahhhhh it is you" she screams woww haha
The day went on some teachers cared some didn't even know what was going on and the kids at school well some were polite some gave dirty looks but I didn't care

The bell ringed to go home now, I got my stuff lots of people were surrounding me saying how much they missed me these kinds of stuff made my day

I got on the bus and the haters were there they threw paper balls at me and it said stuff on it, I caught one of the paper balls and read it 'ATTENTION WHOREEE' in all capital letters, I tried to hold in my tears

The bus ride was really short I hurried out of the bus and ran home, I saw the boys walking towards me I slammed the door on their faces and ran in my room "why would they call me stuff like that like I never did anything" I cried and cried and cried "bbg are you ok" I heard cam said from my room door I guess my sister let them in my house

"MANN I HATE MY LIFEE I SHOULD OF NEVER WOKEN UP" I cried so much "Babe please don't say that" hayes said "GO AWAY I DONT WANT TO TALK TO NO ONE ESPECIALLY YOU" I screamed to Hayes "please open the door" my sister said

I had to open the door it's my sisters voice that makes me listen god damn it, they all came in running I was on my floor crying with my knees on my chest and my arms around my legs "what happen" Daniel says rubbing my back, I just cried and cried and cried and to think I actually was gonna throw my blades away thought wrong

I just sat there crying, Cam held me in his arms I was falling into a deep sleep I couldn't hold my eyes any longer
It's Thursday babes ((: I'm actually in a good mood rn sorry short chapter but promise next update is gonna be longer byee stay beautiful

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