Chapter 9

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Hayes POV:
Me & the guys were walking home cuz we didn't want to bother melody she's going through a lot we decided to go later when she's calm. I went on my phone & wanted to stalk melody's Instagram because why not so I typed in her username & clicked on it & it looked like she had a video & it was recent to I pressed on it & watched it & during the whole video she was crying I wonder why so I put the volume & I heard it...... "OH MY GOSH NO NO NO MELODY" I basically screamed & the guys came to me by now I had tears in my eyes "What happened" said Matt "m-m-m-melody look" I showed them the video then when it was over they all ran to her house I ran too we knocked really hard so she can hear before she did anything to kill her self basically the video was her saying goodbye & that she loved me & the guys & her family & some girl named cathy idk.... No one would open oh my gosh I'm getting worried

Play the song 'breath me'by: Sia or 'Sad Song' by:we the kings
Lucia's POV:
Someone was knocking really hard on the door it scared me. I opened the door then ZOOM the guys came running in & kept asking where melody was "She's either in the bathroom or the room...why" I asked "Check the bathroom nash & I'll check the room" said cam I wonder what's going on

Nash POV:
"She isn't in the room" said cam "The bathroom door it's locked I can't open it help me" i said really scared & worried by now hayes has tears in his eyes & on his cheeks. We tried opening the door it wouldn't open so I was really scared I KICKED the door open & there she was on the floor with two bottles of empty pills & blood all over her arm oh my gosh I started to cry I couldn't handle it than lucia comes & says "what's happening in he-" than she didn't finish her sentence & notice melody on the floor & SCREAMED so LOUD she was on the floor crying so hard Hayes was next to melody crying his eyes out everyone was crying Carter came through & said " STOP CRYING & MOVE WE NEED TO TAKE HER TO THE HOSPITAL HURRY COME ON" carter had the reason he was crying too but we weren't moving so he had to say something......

*at the hospital*
Lucia's POV:
I called my mom & dad & told them they said they would be here asap then 5 mins later they were here & we waited till the doctor came & tell us the news hopefully she doesn't die I don't want to loose my sister my young sister I just can't (Cries her eyes out)

Hayes POV:
We were looking through melodys Instagram we pressed on the video she made of saying goodbye the comments were just hate wtf they don't care she's in the hospital & some of them were just sad & that they actually cared me & the guys did a video on Instagram it said
"Right now we are currently at the hospital because a friend of ours committed suicide & we are really sad as you can see us crying & shaking cuz we are really scared she posted a video on her Instagram saying goodbye & a lot of people don't care like WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM WHAT IF IT WAS YOU THAT WAS IN THE HOSPITAL & NO ONE CARED HUH? this is just getting us really pissed Melody we all love you so much even my fans love you you're an amazing & talented girl we all need you & the haters are just stupid please melody hope you don't die" end of video
I posted it & it was getting a lot of likes & comments saying 'oh my gosh pray for melody' & other stuff that really meant they cared they even made this hashtag #Prayformelody & this other #melodywecareandloveyou These really meant a lot.

*Later on still at the hospital*
The doctor came out & said he had bad news & good news "the good news is she got stitches (seriously made me think of Shawn Mendes😂) in her arm & is gonna be ok" the doctor said oml yes she's ok we were all happy but then the bad news "the bad news is she's in a very deep deep coma it can be hours,days,weeks,months even years I'm so sorry for now only the parents can see her again I'm so so sorry" the doctor said oh man she's in a coma NO NO NO she can't no my gosh I need to see her I need to tell her I like her no 😭😭😭😭😭 *cries*

Hey guys! So Ik I said I was gonna update Tuesday I thought I was cuz I was supposed to leave New Jersey on Tuesday but we changed plans were staying a little more days yay I guess but yeah hope you guys enjoyed this chapter vote comment & yeah love you guys it is seriously 4 in the morning lord need to sleep well Byee I'll update next chapter soon this seriously made me cry while I was writing it cuz I was listening to the song lord but yeah love you guys 😘😘 oh & sorry there might be some misspelled words it's 4 in the fuckin morning my brain don't work 😂 lol bye now

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