Chapter 2

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Btw guys the one that had his hand on
Melody's shoulder & asked if she was ok & that helped her up was Cameron Dallas & the one that picked up her phone & gave it to her was Hayes Grier just letting you guys know so you won't get confused ok not chapter 2 😊 oh that's the outfit of chapter 1

Hayes's POV:
Me & the guys were walking since we just moved in to a dangerous neighborhood we were all together when we were getting out of the building we were all saying bye to cameron (by we I mean Hayes,Nash,Carter, Matthew) because he didn't go to school he worked but once he was gonna unlock his car we saw a girl fall on the sidewalk across our building so we all notice & ran to her when we got there she was gonna get up but than I think Cameron freaked her out by putting his hand on her shoulder she quickly turned around & looked really scared she didn't know who we were cuz we were wearing hoodies & she probably thought we were kidnappers. The first thing I notice of her was she was beautiful I never seen such a beautiful girl like looked like she was going to school cuz I saw her bookbag. Then Cameron asked her if she was ok she was really scared she took long to answer but than she said "yeah...yeah I'm fine". Wow she had a beautiful voice too. Cameron put his hand out & she grabbed it & got up. I saw a phone & I'm assuming it's hers I picked it up from the grass & gave it to her she said thank you than this girl came out from the building she came out of (lucia) & had a look in her face & she quickly got the girls sweater that fell (melody) & gave it to her & they both walked together. Cameron had to leave to work so it was just me & Nash & Carter & Matthew that started walking behind them.

Melody's POV:
My mom won't give me a ride to school ughhh. "Lucia what should I do should I say hi or just keep walking" Umm I don't think you should say hi just saying just pretend you 'accidentally' dropped your earphones & one of them will notice & then you can say you know them but don't be stupid" "but I already missed my bus how am I gonna go to school it's 7:10" "ugh melody who cares you never miss school & it's an odd day & you hate odd days" "but I wanna see my boyfriend lucia & yeah it's odd but who cares" "ugh ok ok gosh" " melody you don't have too I'm just helping you " "no I want to ok how do I 'accidentally' drop my earphones" "ugh let me do it gosh your so dumb" " thank you I love you" "ew your dumb there I dropped them now we just wait" Then I here Matthew say Heyy you dropped your earphones & I said oh yeah thanks & he says you welcome & smiles & I couldn't help it but blush was i blushing oh no. "Hey you guys look familiar" "Umm yeah I guess we do" says Carter & I say "oh my lord your Nash , Hayes , Matthew & Carter right " & they all say yeah with a smile "Are you a fan" "well obviously who isn't " "I am " lucia said ugh she's so stupid she thinks I'm dumb cuz I'm like the biggest fan. They all smile & say truee . "Umm melody ima be late" "since when do you care if your late " I say to lucia "umm since right now let's go maybe you didn't miss your bus " & so I remember & I'm like oh yeah let's go & they just follow lucia goes to high school im guessing there going to her same high school I don't I'm still in middle school sucks ughhh i was at my bus stop & it was 7:17 & the bus didn't come which it was wierd " wow I'm so lucky I didn't miss the bus yay I can see bae" (her bf) "umm so guys can I ask you something ?" & they say "yeah of course" & I say "can I have a hug before I leave?" They said "of course you can"
So I hugged Nash first his hugs were like a blanket I didn't want to let go but I had to & then came Matthew who kept staring at my sister mhmh I wonder why ? His hug was very comfortable I didn't want to let go of him too but to bad for me & then it was Carter his was like he cared about you & that he will protect you & never will let go something like that. Then it was Hayes😍😩 (sorry had to put emojis for special person) I said sorry guys I'm very short " Nash says "it's ok Hayes likes short girls " Nash gives me a wink I had to blush & then I look at Hayes & he says " it's true I do" & he winks which makes me blush even more lord he's hot he puts out his hands to hug me & I hug oh my lord his hugs are like your in food heaven fr fr I didn't want to let go never but my bus was coming from the corner so I had to let go sadly 😪 they said see ya later & I said you too & they all either smirked (😏) or winked (😉) I said bye to my sister & she said bye & I got on the bus ugh school 😩😭.

Hello my fellow friends how are you guys? Answer that question in comments. hoped you enjoyed chapter 2 I was thinking of updating on Tuesdays & probably weekends idk can you guys comment & tell me & I haven't gotten any votes so can you PLEASE PLEASE I BEG YOU vote & COMMENT PLEASE 😩 love you guys Byee & give me ideas & follow me & message me your ideas & opinions oh & the outfit will be up soon I promise for chapter 1 bye love you guys

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