Chapter 21

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Melody's POV~
I woke up and I was on my bed, my head hurt a little. It was very sunny out, I checked what time it was 10am nice. I showered and got ready, I missed school today great notice the sarcasm

I went on my phone and just checked social media, I tweeted "Man I'm so gonna fail the grade ):" 2 seconds later I got many retweets and favorites AND comments, there were funny but rude too like "well you are a dumbass kinda obvious hoe" rude but funny

I got a text from Cam
From Bigbrocam😎: hey wassup?
To Bigbrocam😎: nothing just woke up hby?
From Bigbrocam😎: nothing bored ):
sucks for him haha, I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it... it was Cameron jeez "why did you leave me on read?" he looks mad hahahaha "cuz your boring" I gave a frowny face "I am not" he said coming in ok then come in "ok bro whatever you say" I laughed

*boring hours passed*
"Have you talked to hayes" I say "Yeah all the time, he's very upset" he looks at me "oh, why?" I look down "you're gonna have to ask him that" he says "what why" I look at him "He's been trying to talk to you, ever since you saw that girl kiss him" he says "Yeah but he kissed the girl back and if I wasn't there he would of continued or who knows would of gotten the girl pregnant" I yell "I know but he didn't" he says kinda worried "You know what, I shouldn't even care, I'm not even with him" I look back

My sister got home and we just bonded for a while ding ding it was my phone
From hayesg♥️: hey, I know you're mad but can we talk?
To hayesg♥️: I'm not sure
From hayesg♥️: please, meet me here (name of place) at 6
To hayesg♥️: fine
From hayesg♥️: thank you see you then
I don't know if I made the right choice but I sure hope so I don't regret it, it was 15 minutes to 6 so I decided to walk there already I searched up what that place was

It was an abandoned building wonder why, I got there and saw him "so why here?" I asked confused "just follow me" he grabs my hand and takes me inside as we walk a lot of stairs the building was so high it was 13 stories

We got to the roofttop, the view was beautiful "it's beautiful right" he says admiring it "yeah very" I side smile "ok look we really need to talk" he says looking at me "well that's why I'm here right" I say kinda obvious "yeah" he smiles

"ok so then talk" I get kind of annoyed "alright, I know you're very mad because you saw that girl kiss me and I sorta kissed back-" I cut him "Sorta??, okk" I say "just let me finish" he says looking annoyed, I just let him continue "I swear to god it didn't mean anything, she just showed up at my house with out even asking me, so what was I supposed to do kick her out? no it wouldn't be nice so we just talked and I don't even know her I'm very sorry melody" he says "I don't care, why are you apologizing it's your choice to kiss girls, we aren't even together, You're acting like we are" I say looking at the view

"that's the thing, we aren't but I really want to be, I can't get you off my mind, you're all I think of it kills me to see you sad and cry" he says not taking his eyes off of me "well if you liked me then you wouldn't kiss no girl" a tear rolls down my cheek "I DIDNT KISS HER SHE KISSED ME" he yells at me "WELL BOTH OF YOUR LIPS TOUCHED AND YOU DID KISS BACK TILL I CAME IN BUT IF I WOULD OF NOT CAME IN YOU WOULD OF NOT STOPPED" I screamed at him crying "I'm sorry Melody, please I like you a lot I didn't mean to make you feel like this" a tear escapes his eye "well guess what, ya did and I hope you're happy" I wipe my tears and start to walk away

By this time it was night "No melody wait please" he grabs my arm "We're done talking, you said what you needed to say" I start to walk again running down the stairs, It was starting to rain a lot "great what I wanted" I start to walk in the dark rainy night "Melody wait" I hear from a distance I turn around "Melody, here take this" it was his sweatshirt "no it's fine keep it" I say "Come on take it" he smiles, I take it "thanks" I smile back he just nods his head

We were very wet from the rain, it was an awkward walk back home "Melody I'm-" I cut him off "No im sorry, I didn't me-" I got cut off from hayes kissing me I pull back "I'm sorry I did that" he says "just shut up and kiss me again" I laugh, he smiles and kisses me again, it was passionate I felt sparks everywhere I loved it, it was kinda funny cuz we're kissing in the rain... Romantic
It's Sunday babes a little late but it's still Sunday (: hope y'all enjoyed and we are almost to 700 reads I'm totally greatful thank you guys I love you (:

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