Part 2: The nature seemed to show grief on his behalf

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The weekend came and passed by. It was just the beginning of the year yet the teacher drowned the students with so much work.

They had loads of homework that they didn't even get the time to leave their respective common rooms. Occasionally they went to the library for their studies.

Hermione, being Hermione, with her extra subjects was something more than busy. She was the only one who didn't complain against this torture, as the students say. She was the most sincere of all and her hard work was really going to pay it off.

"This is the final year, we are going to graduate. It's obvious that we have to study," she had said to Seamus once, rolling her eyes. After this, nobody dared to complain whenever she was nearby.

On Monday evening, the Golden Trio and Ginny were sitting by the fire and chatting. Harry was sitting in front of Hermione, on the maroon sofa with Ginny on his lap. Ron was sitting next to Hermione on the opposite couch but he maintained a fairly good distance from her.

"For Merlin's sake Ginny, get off him. You're my sister. This is really uncomfortable, I am your brother," Ron growled at his little sister with daggers shooting from his eyes. Hermione just giggled at Ron's infuriating behaviour and saw Harry's cheek filling with colour.

Ginny stuck out her tongue but gradually got off Harry's lap. Throwing a last scowl towards Ron and a wink at Harry, she strode back to her room with Harry's eyes still glued to her back.

Hermione started to talk about something she did while she was doing her duty but she got no response from the boys whatsoever.

"Are you listening to me, Harry? Hermione asked, snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"Uh, yeah," Harry said facing his brunette best friend.

Harry had a keen interest to listen to her or maybe pretended to have a keen interest, unlike Ron. Ron didn't seem to listen to her at all, not even pretending.

Hermione twice or maybe thrice asked him to pay attention but the stubborn boy didn't. He was agitated of her continuous rambles.

"I mean I am the Head Girl. I have to follow rules and there can be no exceptions, not even my friends," she said looking over at Dean.

The other night she caught him sneaking out of the castle. She immediately informed Headmistress and he got detention for a week.

"I really felt bad of what I did but I can't break the rules, can I? Well now I am the Head Girl, I have some responsibilities," she said flipping her hair back in a proud manner, with Filch. Though everything changed after War still everyone dreaded to spend their fraction of time with that grumpy, old man.

"For Merlin's sake, Hermione just stop bragging, okay? I don't want to hear it and I am very sure so does Harry," Ron shouted at her and stood up stomping his foot on the carpet.

Hermione was taken aback by his sudden reaction and just kept on stuttering.

"Ron... I...I,"

"Show off," he muttered under his breath such that only Hermione and Harry can hear and with that he left the room, smashing the door behind.

This instantly grabbed everyone's attention. Hermione felt the heat rising up her cheeks and tears clouded in front of her eyes.

Parvati, Neville, Seamus all came up to her but she took her books and left before her tears could break the border and roll down.

Harry, probably, was the only one to see his best friend's eyes welling up. Before he could say anything she just ran to her dorm room.

He felt bad as his best friend was treated so badly by his best friend.

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