Part 15: I love him Harry

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Draco eventually did what his father asked him to do. He took Hermione down to the cellar and asked her to lie down and act like she's unconscious.

Draco needed to know what his father was really up to. Was it just Hermione or all the three? Was he going to attack Hogwarts too? Or the Ministry? What did he really want? Every possibility was worse than the other. It made him hurt his head.

Although Hermione didn't want him to leave, she knew he was right. He promised he'll return and will take her back safely.

"It's my promise to you, Hermione. And Malfoys," he said smirking proudly. "never break their promise. Just close your eyes," he whispered in her ears. And when she opened them, she found herself alone and waiting for Draco to return.

She sighed as a silent tear made its way down her cheek.

Harry, Ron and Ginny stood in front of Malfoy Manor's gate.

"Is it just me, or anyone else is scared of reliving those war moments?" Ginny's voice echoed on the deserted land.

Both the boys nodded without any word.

"But we have to do it, for Hermione," Harry said clearing his throat. "Let's find a way to get inside."

"I want to burn that mudblood alive," Lucius whispered viciously, gathering a look of disgust from his son.

Turning around, he faced his son. He moved towards Draco and shook his shoulders.

"They destroyed us. Our family. Our happiness. They took everything from us. Everything. Now its payback time Draco," he said with a blazing anger in his eyes. Anyone could have seen it. "We will ruin them, and get our revenge," he said and let out a fake laugh, which only made Draco cringe mentally. "This feels so good."

"What are you planning to do Father?" Draco asked finally finding his voice. He threw a smirk at his son and said,

"You'll see Draco. Everyone will see."

Much of their surprise, Manor was huge. They decided to split up, and look for Hermione.

"Just be extra cautious," Ginny pleaded to the two most brave men of her life. Both of them nodded.

"I'll go up," Ron said and parted with them.

"I'll go downstairs," Harry said turning away from his beloved.

"Harry wait," Ginny called from behind. Harry turned to face her.

"I love you, Harry," she said, hugging him and kissing him. Ginny felt him smiling against her soft lips.

"I love you too Ginny," Harry said before pecking her on the lips and went to find his best friend.

Harry felt the temperature drop as he moved down. It got really cold and dark.

"Lumos," he said and his wand lit up. He carefully made his way forward, making least noise possible, and concentrating on every faded echo he heard.

After a few more minutes he heard very light sobs coming from the end of the cellar.

He quickened his step and heard the sound grew a little louder. Carefully looking behind, he peeked through the hole in the door and saw his best friend lying and crying. Relief took over all his senses as he saw her there, all safe and sound.

"Alohamora," Harry whispered and the door flung open.

Hermione quickly sat up and terror bathed her face, but soon it changed into joy as she saw a black haired boy appeared in front of her.

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