Part 6: Sometimes silence speak a lot, more than you can understand

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Break up of Ron and Hermione's relationship was a breaking news for everyone as their love story was considered to be one of the epic ones. Both of them always shrugged the matter off or they said "it was for the best" whenever they were bombarded with questions.

Harry, of all others, was not satisfied with this excuse. He once asked Hermione that what exactly happened between them. She smiled and said,

"Harry, it was nothing." She smiled reassuringly. "He told me that he didn't feel the same way about me anymore." She half-lied. Even this welled up her eyes. She forced the tears back.

"And to be honest Harry, I too kinda felt like this lately." She knew Harry will never be satisfied until he makes sure that she was happy and this was her decision too. Plus, she didn't want Harry to have a fight with his best friend over her.

"So probably it's for the best," she added and half-smiled.

"Is there someone like?" He asked, as his gorgeous blue eyes, peeked at her from the round, classic Potter glasses.

Hermione took a deep breath. "No, Harry. At least, not right now."

"Are you sure 'Mione?" He kept his hand on her thigh in a comforting gesture. There was still a doubt in his eyes. He was still not convinced.

"Positive." She looked him in the eye and smiled.

Its been over a week since Ron and Hermione's break up. The queries came to an end, eventually. There was still an awkward silence between the two whenever they were encountered. Ron usually avoided sitting with them in classes as he sat with Padma. Hermione avoided Common Room by staying mostly in her room or in the library. Meals were less awkward as Ginny was with Hermione all the time.

It was Saturday. Hermione, after many weeks, was sitting by the fire in Common Room reading her book. Ron and Padma entered the Room with his hand on Padma's shoulder and her hand locked behind his back. Ron met Hermione's eyes for a brief second and immediately turned away. She felt the same twists in her pit of stomach whenever she saw them together.

No matter how much she tried, she could never behave normally around them. To end her misery, she closed the book, got up and went out of the Common Room.

As she moved out she felt the urge to cry her heart out, but couldn't. She hasn't even told anyone about Ron's exact harsh words. She wanted to talk to someone. She wanted to run to her mother's arms and wanted to cry. She has never missed her parents this much. She finally got out of the castle and started to walk aimlessly.

When she was outside, near the lake, she heard some faintest sound of guitar chords playing.

"Guitar? At Hogwarts?" She wondered who might that be. Probably some muggle-born who had a passion for it. She stepped towards the guitar sound. The sound grew louder and she finally heard someone singing too. It was a male voice.

As she went nearer she saw a boy all dressed in black, with blonde hair sitting beside the lake playing guitar and singing. She stepped further until she was a few feet away from him. She immediately recognised the figure.

It was the youngest Malfoy.

Her eyes widened a little and she just kept staring at him without knowing it. Her admiration paused when the music of his guitar fell to her ears. But then she admired the music he played. She, in probably 7 years, never knew that Malfoy could play an instrument, that too a muggle one.

The moment he began to sing in his cold, husky voice she bet she heard anything else other than his voice.

Give me love like her, cuz lately I've been wakin' up alone.

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