Part 18: Love only for her

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Draco walked to his guitar and picked it up before seating himself on the couch near Hermione.

Hermione looked at him and eyed his guitar before looking at him again. Draco shot her a smile before placing the guitar on his lap and adjusting his hand on the chords.

Hermione's face lit up and she grinned, making Draco roll his eyes.

" are prepared? It's the song. The song you wrote for me?" She said and covered her mouth with her hands. All this while she was waiting to hear it but Draco didn't let her know anything about it and Hermione didn't like it at all. She was too desperate to hear the song to wait. She was so happy that her eyes were already glistening with moisture.

Draco chuckled and removed her hands from her mouth by his free hand. He knew how much she wanted to hear it and how much he wanted her to listen and secretly it was his favourite. Anything related to Hermione was his favourite now.

He smiled and said, "Yes its for you. I poured my soul and heart in writing this one. Hope you like it." He scratched the nape of his neck in nervousness, doubtful whether she'll like it or not.

Hermione gave him a genuine smile. "Of course," she said and placed her hand on his, giving it a little squeeze. Without even listening to his song Hermione was so sure that it'll be the best, and at that moment he realized that she was really perfect for him and they were always meant to be together. Her words gave him confidence in his heart and mind.

He gave her a small smile and took a deep breath before he began to strum his guitar strings. Soon his deep, husky voice filled the room. Hermione was grinning widely and soon found herself lost in the lust of the melody.

"Close your eyes, give me your hand,

Darling, do you feel my heart beating?

Do you understand?

Do you feel the same?

Am I only dreaming?

Is this burning,

An eternal flame?

I believe, its meant to be,

Darling, I watch you when you're sleeping,

You belong with me,

Do you understand?

Do you feel the same?

Am I only dreaming?

Is this burning,

An eternal flame?

Say my name,

Sun shines through the rain,

My whole life, so lonely,

You come and ease the pain,

I don't want to lose this feeling,

Do you understand?

Do you feel my heart beating?

Do you feel the same?

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