Part 7: Make yourself, comfortable

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"At times I really wish I could move out of here," Hermione told Ginny, seeing Ron and Padma in the Common Room.

"I thought they didn't bother..." The red-haired girl was cut off in mid.

"They don't..its just..I...I don't know," she said frustratingly, looking anywhere other than Ginny's eyes or the new couple.

Ginny smiled and took her hands in a comforting gesture.

"I get it 'Mione. I can understand. You don't have to pretend like it doesn't matter. I know it does." She squeezed her hand a little. "It's hard to ignore. I can understand why you want to move," she said assuringly.

Hermione looked at her and smiled. "Thank you for understanding Ginny. I know he's your brother and you..."

"Uhh.. no... I know he can be an asshole sometimes," she said. "most times, if you ask me," she added. They both looked at each other and started to laugh.

"Yes, yes he really can. But I can't help it, can I? I can't go anywhere else," Hermione said with a deep sigh.

"Actually you can, if that's what you want," Harry said suddenly causing the girls to jump.

"Harry! We didn't see you coming," Ginny said rising from her chair to kiss Harry. They pulled away with a smile and Harry faced Hermione again.

"As I was saying, you want to change your room? Its possible," Harry said turning to Hermione.

"Yeah? What do you have in mind?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Remember Professor McGonagall mentioned that there is a separate Common Room and dormitory for the Heads? You are the Head Girl 'Mione, you can stay there. It's yours," he informed her.

"Oh yes. How can I not remember?! Thank you, Harry," she said and gave him a hug. "I just need to talk to Headmistress, then."

"Well if and when you get that 'Mione, we'll miss you here," Ginny said and pouted a little.


"No, it's okay. As long as you are happy and comfortable I am okay with it," she said and gave her a tight hug.

Hermione moved to the Heads' dormitory that evening. McGonagall agreed right away but stated a small issue.

"What is it, Professor?" She had asked.

"Miss Granger, Mr Malfoy also moved there the other night. If its okay."

She frowned a little but his presence merely affected her now as she saw some changes in him.

"It's fine Professor. I'll pack my things. Thank you again." She smiled and walked to her old dormitory.

After bidding her friends farewell that night, she made her way to the Heads' dormitory.

She was still nervous about living with Draco, although his behaviour has been different with her past few days. She kinda liked that about him. The way he was singing and playing the guitar, his voice husky and so beautiful, she never imagined Draco like that. She caught herself smiling at the memory.

She let out a deep breath and stood in front of the Common Room door.

"Severus Snape," she said the password and the door flung open. She stepped in and saw a quite large Common Room, all covered in red-orange and green in colour. There were little flags of Gryffindor and Slytherin hung on the windows. The Common Room was not as large as the one she left, but it was nice. The thought made her cringe a little.

The table was all messy, books and other things lying here and there, and a bottle of whiskey was lying under the table. She rolled her eyes and muttered "Malfoy" under her breath.

There were two staircases leading to two different rooms. She didn't know which was hers. She knew Draco would probably be in one of those, and the thought of running into him inside his bedrooms was not the best idea on her mind.

As she was still deciding which way to go, Draco came down the staircase, shirtless.



They both exclaimed in unison.

Hermione quickly turned around and covered her eyes.

It was Malfoy who asked first. "What, on earth, are you doing here?"

"Its Heads' Room. It's mine too. And if you don't mind will you put something on?" She said. Her voice filled with irritation.

"Oh come on, Granger, girls would give anything to see a piece of this," he said with a smug smirk. "But I guess you aren't a girl, eh, Granger?" He added amusement filled in his words.

Her face turned red instantly.

"How dare you Malfoy!" She exclaimed, anger radiating from her. This was an insult to her. She immediately removed her hands from her eyes but did not turn around to face him.

He just laughed from behind.

"Make yourself comfortable, Granger," he said in a hosting manner and sat with a thump on the couch. He picked a book and pretended to be lost in it.

Since now Malfoy barged on her from right, she knew her room was on the left. She picked up her things and scurried to her room, hearing Malfoy chuckling from behind.

She closed the door behind her and finally looked at her room. Her room was painted crimson red, with a small but large enough to fit two people bed and a closet. There was no table or chair, that means she had to study in the Common Room. She sighed, and changed into her pyjamas and curled onto her bed hugging the other pillow. She drifted into sleep pretty soon.

Around midnight her sleep was interrupted by someone's voice, more like cries. For a split second she forgot that she was not in Gryffindor dorms, but as soon as she opens her eyes, reality set in. The voice became more clear.

She made her way downstairs and saw Malfoy lying on the couch and murmuring something. She went close to him and saw his head shaking slightly and his forehead covered in tiny sweat beads. His blonde locks fell on his temples and were drenched.

"No, please, I beg you. Don't take him," he muttered. It was hard for Hermione to hear him. She moved closer to him. Thankfully, he was wearing a shirt now.

"Mom. Don't go, please. No. Come back. Please." He seemed like he was pleading to his mother. He was trembling uncontrollably.

Hermione's expression softened a bit at this. She came and sat on the floor on her knees near him.

"Draco..." She trailed off.

"He's my father, leave him," he pleaded again.

"Draco," she said slightly louder than before and tried to shake his shoulder lightly.

He jolted awake. His eyes fluttered and saw Hermione sitting beside him. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and opened them again to see her disappear. But she didn't. She was still looking at him, with sympathy in her eyes.


A\N: Hey readers! So poor Draco. But they are together, in one room! *squeals*

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