38 // fr13nds.

44 2 10

**all names are fake**

*Alex's chapter*

my friends... ah that's a weird story

so i have this amazing best friend whom i love very much. his name is Logan. he moved a while ago (his dad's in the Coast Guard). we were friends for a glorious 3 semesters

"Wait, 3 semesters? What?" Grace interrupts.
"If you'd let me finish, you'd find out why," I say.

anyway, it was short lived. yea. so, what happened was for some reason when i first met him, i fucking hated him. you could not find a more hated relationship. we didnt have a friendship, or a relationship.we had a hate-ship; we hated each other.
my friend Staci kept trying to intervene, make us friends. i dont exactly know what happened but over that Christmas break, i thought, dude what if i love him? and then, i somehow managed to hAVE LITERALLY EVERYBODY IN THE WHOLE DAMN GRADE FIND OUT THAT I THOUGHT I LOVED HIM! anyway, after that, we became inseparable. you never saw me w/o Staci and Logan. we were the 'three muskequeers' (I'm gay and Logan's gay and we have no idea what Staci is). and, so, we had great jokes. we had our whole "help ive fallen and i cant get up. call life alert!", "*friend starts coughing* oh me oh my please don't die", "seizure", "a pine tree and an apple tree had a 'special hug' and they had a pineapple", "sPECIAL HUG SANDWICH",
and a lot of other shit. and i remember being so pissed off that ALL of my friend were getting their braces off before me.Leila, Staci, and Logan ALL got their braces on after me and got them off before me.i was fucking pissed.i remember the dance. Leila made me and Logan dance and it may have been just bc we loved each other only as friends, or it was bc we knew we didnt like the opposite sex. idfk. it was one of those. but we had some fun times together. except when he made me cry on our graduation day. he moved. i fell apart. i honestly was jealous a while ago when i found him making new friends. but so on my Instagram acc (@rotting_r.rose) i posted a picture and the caption was along the lines of "let me be stupid and depressed. let me cut. let me talk abt killing myself". he sends me the sweetest message and i shit you not i started crying bc it wasnt only good just to talk to him, but what he was saying was rlly sweet. but so i start talking abt why im depressed and shit (Chaz is why) and he just says "tell me his address bc anyone who treats you like that doesnt deserve to exist". this boy is too much to handle! i miss him and so badly want him to come back home. I MISS MY BABY LOGAN!

"Al's obsessed," Jeydon whispers to Grace.
"Totally didn't know that," Grace whispers back sarcastically.

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