42 // a cl0s3r l00k at my 1nsan1ty.

65 2 20

**all names are fake**

^doesnt Kyle look adorable?^

*Jeydon's chapter*
**everything stated is true and is all Jeydon's opinions so dont come smack him**
***that goes for you, Andy***

so guys i thought it was time you met all the voices in me, Grace, and Al's head:

- Alex (the overlord of us losers)
- Jeydon (sup bitch)
- Grace
- Leilani
- Carter (we call her CT)
- Angela (aka Andy)
- Nathan
- Devon (she's a classy bitch)

they all control certain parts of Alex™

i control her rlly sexual and like fucked up side, Grace has her bitchy on the go remarks, Leilani controls her sarcasm and sassiness, Andy has her tomboy-ness, Carter is just kinda the bitch, Nathan is just all-out gay and is trying to make her soul glitterfull, and Devon pretty much rules over all of us twits. she is the scene overlord that treats us all like lost puppies and loves black and Sleeping With Sirens and is what makes Alex™ function

Devon is quite a character. over the years shes grown more sarcastic and restless. she likes to live life on the edge and is the reason Alex™ has gotten expelled from her last school. she was also the reason Alex™ got ISS for three days at her old school (two different schools). Devon is just a troublemaker. she likes to make self-deprecating jokes
•Devon the Dick•

Leilani is the best girl. she is so chill that you sometimes forget shes in the room. she tries to calm us all down when were acting like drunk idiots. yea ik i said that she has the sarcasm and sassiness, but honestly, once you get to know Leilani, you realise shes a special flower and likes to act tough. honestly, Devon controls that part
•Leilani the Lemur•

Carter is a gem. she is tough and doesnt rlly like people all that much. she finds it hard to open up and usually detaches herself when drama starts. but she does love drama when it involves people she hates
•Carter the Catastrophe•

Andy is kinda a wild card but is also pretty much the walking form of anxiety. shes always having panic attacks and cant think straight and stutters a lot and just... shes a nervous wreck a lot. (she also has a HUGE crush on Devon...)
•Andy the Alligator•

Nathan is... well... hes Nathan. hes full on gay. he wants to make the soul a pretty pretty place and just wow
•Nathan the Narwhal•

and of course you know me and Grace

heres the real thing, you almost N E V E R see most of these people^. its almost always me, Devon, and Grace. we pretty much rule. the others just kinda chill out

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