Hello? - Mercy x McCree

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"Angela... I can't..." Jesse uttered on one end of the phone, his voice shaky from the fact he was about to cry. 
"Jesse, don't talk like this." Angela pleaded, "Please just come over. I'll make you some tea, and we can cuddle up in some blankets, and I'll look after you, Jesse." She added, trying to sound comforting and calm even though she was panicking herself. 
"Angela, no..." Jesse muttered on the other end, drawing in a shaky breath. 
"Jesse, please. I love you." Angela pleaded on the other end. She was beginning to sound more like she was begging him rather than trying to comfort him. 
"I know you do, but you'll get over me." Jesse muttered with a shaky breath, before placing his phone down on the bed. He didn't end the call, but he didn't put it on speaker. He didn't want to listen to her pointless pleading any longer, he didn't want to hear her start crying. 


Angela let out a gasp as she heard the gunshot on the other end of the line, followed by a horrendous silence. 
"JESSE?!" She screamed down the phone, before breaking into sobbing, "Oh lord, no. Jesse p-please, answer me. Jesse? P-Please...?" She knew he wasn't going to answer, but she was desperately clinging to some hope that he would and so she kept yelling his name into the phone until she could barely breathe, let alone talk, from sobbing. In fact, she was sobbing so hysterically that she knocked herself unconscious from lack of air.

Angela tried to call him again. She had called him every day for the past month since it had happened. She still clung to some hope that he'd actually answer and tell her that he had missed, that he'd survived, that he was okay. But besides that, his dorky voicemail was the only way she could still hear his voice. She dialed his number, and listened to the ringing, waiting for the voicemail to cut in. She smiled a little as she listened to his dorky spiel of "Howdy, if ya hearin' this then I'm either busy or spendin' some time with my darlin' angel, Angela, so leave a message and I'll get back t' ya if I can.", before letting out a sad laugh and feeling a few tears begin to fall. Despite having been offered support from her friends who of course wanted to help her feel better, she had denied it. She didn't think company would help her now.

The only company she wanted was Jesse's.

She went for a walk every day, up to the park where they'd had their first date, and would often sit there for a while. She didn't like going to his grave, so if she wanted to think about him or even attempt to talk to him, she went to the park instead. She was on one of her walks, two months after the incident, and hurriedly reached the park. She found the exact spot amongst the trees, and laid down the blanket she used to sit on, the one they had used way back then, and sat down upon it.  She let out a sigh and looked up towards the canopy, a smile spreading across her face as she remembered back to her first date with Jesse.
"If you were here, you'd be making some witty remark right now and cheer me right up." She sighed, laughing a little to herself. She looked around herself and that's when she saw him. She swung her head back round in the direction of where she'd seen him but he was gone. There was nothing there but empty space. She jumped up and spun around, looking frantically from left to right.
"Jesse?!" She cried out, beginning to cry lightly once more. She came to a stop, defeated. She sighed and looked down at the floor, blinking away her tears and lifting a hand to wipe them from her cheeks.
"How silly of me, huh?" She managed a little laugh. He always used to tell her how silly she was to cry over some things, but now, he wasn't here to do that.

She managed the journey back home alone. She'd almost gotten used to journeying alone now, but it still didn't feel right. The conversation as she walked was now silence. She had no one to talk to, to joke with, to spend her every waking moment with. Of course, he had had his flaws, but she had had hers and despite all of this, they went perfectly together. Every moment when they were together felt perfect and nowadays, everything felt empty and hollow. She didn't know how long she could carry on like this.

When the knock on her front door came five months after the incident, she didn't plan on opening it. That was until she saw the silhouette of a man wearing a cowboy hat in the window of her door. She frowned. It couldn't be, could it? Despite the fact she was probably just going to get her hopes crushed, she knew she had to at least try. She took a deep breath and slowly pulled the door open, nervous as to who was on the other side. She looked up at the figure, hoping for the best.

"Hello darlin'" He uttered in his deep, cowboy voice that she was oh so familiar with. She stared up at him. It was him, although he was slightly different. His beard was longer than it had been the last time she had seen him, and he had a few new scars across his face. There was no sign of a bullet wound however. She didn't know whether to cry or smile, so she did neither and just found herself staring at him. 
"I need to explain..." He muttered, glancing down at his own feet, before looking back at her. All Angela could manage was a nod, and then a shake of her head. As much as she wanted an explanation, she also wanted to know that this was real, that he wasn't just another figment of her own imagination. She pulled him quickly into the house, slamming the door shut, before pushing her lips up against his. She relaxed, her eyes closing as she kissed him, as she felt him kiss her back. It felt as heavenly as it always had, felt as real as it always had. She knew this had to be real, and mid-kiss, she began to softly cry. She knew it was all going to be okay now as she stood here with his large arms wrapped around her thin body, with his lips gently caressing hers, and she was ecstatic. Everything was perfect when they were together. 

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