The Best Medicine - Roadhog x Junkrat

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Jamison had always been the first to rise in the morning, and he never bothered to attempt to wake Mako anymore, but Jamison wasn't that much of a morning person that he normally woke at five. It shocked him a little when he glanced at the clock and noticed it was so early and wondered what had woken him. That's when the stomach pain settled in. Jamison winced a little and wrapped his arms around his bare stomach, curling up a little from the pain. He didn't feel like getting up out of bed, especially in pain, but it became apparent that he had to when he felt as though he was going to throw up. He threw the covers off the himself and almost fell out of bed in his panic and pain. He managed to hobble over to the bathroom as fast as he could on his peg leg, shutting the door behind himself and falling onto his knees in front of the toilet. 

Throwing up didn't feel good at all and it took a few minutes to finally be over. Jamison fell back to be sat down, his legs spread out. He was breathing heavily as he tried to recover from violently throwing up. He lifted his hand to wipe his mouth and nose, a shaky sigh escaping him. He reached up and flushed the loo before managing to pull himself to be standing up. He was shaky, and he ran a hand gently through his hair, glancing over at himself in the mirror. It was as he pulled his hand away that he noticed a clump of his own hair resting in his hand and he frowned. It was getting worse. 

He managed to walk back into the other room, and glanced over at where Mako was sleeping. He knew Mako would be grumpy if he woke him up this early, but Jamison couldn't cope on his own. He hobbled over and reached over to shake Mako's shoulder, but hesitated and pulled his hand away. He didn't want Mako to be annoyed at him. He hated it when Mako was annoyed. This wasn't really that important, was it? The fact he was probably so much closer to dying from his radiation poisoning wasn't that important, was it? Now that he actually thought about it, it what had happened and what it could mean scared him quite a bit. He began to cry as he took a few steps away from Mako, having to put a hand over his mouth to muffle any noise that might wake his large friend. Jamison began to panic again, breathing quickly, and in his panic he couldn't stand being alone anymore. He frantically hit Mako a few times on the shoulder, only stopping when Mako let out an annoyed grunt. Jamison took a few panicked steps backwards and in his panic, fell over onto his butt and he let out a cry, before going back to crying. 

Mako had been annoyed about being woke up at what felt like a really early time, but when he heard Jamison crying he immediately rolled over and got up. Despite being harsh on Jamison most of the time, and telling him off all the time for all his stupid plans, Mako still cared about him more than he cared about anyone else. Mako scooped Jamison's small body up into his large arms. Jamison gasped when he felt himself being lifted up before being engulfed back into his crying, just letting Mako carry him. Mako sat back down on the edge of the bed, cradling Jamison close in his arms as he did so. He sighed a little and lifted his mask off of his face, knowing that being able to actually see him comforted Jamison a little, and then proceeded to rock Jamison in his arms much like a mother would do to their baby. 
"Jamie... calm down." He muttered as softly as he could manage in his deep, manly voice, "I'm here..." He added, still rocking Jamison gently. He knew there was no point trying to question him about why he was upset when he got hysterical or panicked like this. 

It took a few minutes of gentle rocking and kind words for Jamison's crying to come to a stop and for him to calm down. Even once he had calmed down, he couldn't find many words and just found himself staring at Mako's face. He loved seeing him without his mask on, not only because Jamison thought he was the most handsome man he had ever seen, but also because Jamison knew that it meant that Mako trusted him and liked him because Mako had refused to show anyone else they had ever spoken to. Mako smiled down at Jamison, glad to see that he had calmed down but still worried and curious about what had gotten Jamison in such a state to start off with. 
"Are you ready to tell me now?" Mako asked quietly, still trying to keep his tone as soft as he could. He didn't want to scare Jamison back into his panic. Jamison managed a slight nod in response to Mako's question, although he was still quite scared to tell him. 

It took him a moment, but he finally managed to begin his explanation. 
"I woke up early, mate, cos my stomach hurt like super bad. I thought it might go away, mate, like it normally does. But then I felt like I was gonna throw up." Jamison was shaking a little at this point and although Mako did care and want to calm him down, he knew it would be better to just let Jamison get the story out. 
"So I went t' the bathroom, and I threw up. And I felt real shaky, mate, when I got back up, and then I went t' sort my hair out and a bit fell out and I was all shaken up and like, so I woke y' up, mate." Jamison managed to finish, his eyes fixed on Mako's face to try and keep himself calm. Mako frowned a little. He knew that this was probably due to the radiation but seen as he wasn't a doctor, he didn't know how serious this was or how worried they both should be. All he knew was that it wasn't good, but he couldn't exactly say that. He didn't want to worry Jamison more. 
"Oh Jamie, you'll be fine." He replied in a tone that implied that he thought that Jamie was just being silly, even though he knew he wasn't, "And I'll be here when you aren't." He added, smiling a little down at his small friend. Jamison nodded and smiled a little back, sitting up in Mako's arms. 
"You sure make me feel better, mate." Jamison laughed a little. He still felt a little shaky, but now that Mako had calmed him down considerably, Jamison managed to have a bit of a laugh with Mako. 

Mako laughed a little too but reached over for his mask now that he no longer needed it off seen as Jamison was calm, but Jamison quickly batted it out of his hand. 
"Jamie..." Mako muttered, looking down at his smaller friend who had a frown on his face now. 
"I like seeing you like this, mate." He muttered in response, looking up at Mako. Mako sighed but didn't respond, didn't object for once and Jamison's face lit up as a grin spread across his face at his minor victory. Mako didn't say anything and didn't move to pick his mask back up, and Jamison was too engrossed in staring at his taller friend now to say anything. It was almost as if he had forgotten the previous events, or at least that he had pushed them to the back of his mind, and Mako was just glad that he seemed happy. 

It was only a few moments later that he wasn't happy anymore. 

He wasn't exactly unhappy either though, however. He was more shocked by what Jamison had just done. Jamie, in the midst of his happiness and excitement at being able to see Mako's face for so long, had leant forward and pressed his lips to Mako's pretty forcefully because he didn't really know the meaning of the word gentle. Mako was shocked for a moment, but only for a moment, before he kissed Jamison back. He didn't mind that Jamison wasn't being gentle seen as he guessed it was due to the fact Jamison had never really had a kiss before. He knew they shouldn't really be here kissing like this. He knew their relationship was supposed to be only professional. But after wanting just one kiss with his small, loveable best friend for so long, he didn't exactly want to stop when he finally got one. Mako lifted the small male up a little so that Jamison was no longer struggling slightly to reach Mako's lips, and kept him close as they kissed to forget the panic and horror the morning had blanketed them with. Everything felt okay in that moment, if only for a moment. 

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