Put a Plaster On It - Reaper x Mercy

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She stood there waiting as they pulled and dug away pieces of rubble, shifting her weight from one foot to the other in some sort of nervous 'dance', her arms folded across her chest in an attempt to stop the shaking. The mounds of rubble that lay where a building once stood lay before her, the rescue team digging through the pieces of building. Angela knew that he was under there. She couldn't see him, and she didn't know if she really wanted to see him, but she was trying to cling to the dwindling hope that he may still be alive under there. She didn't know what she would do if they found him dead beneath the broken building. 

After minutes that felt like more like days, they finally dragged out a figure dressed in clothes that were oh so familiar to Angela. Despite not being able to see his face as they dragged him out, she knew that it was him. She watched as they lay him down on the floor, checking him over before deciding he was, in fact, dead and then trudging off to see if they could find any other unlucky souls beneath the rubble. Angela hesitated for a few moments before cautiously trotting over, glancing down at his body. 
"Oh Gabriel..." She muttered in what sounded like a sob, a few cold tears beginning to run down her cheek as she looked at his broken, twisted corpse. She wanted to be able to find some use for this staff she held in her hand, wanted to find something stored within her expansive medical knowledge, anything that she could use to bring him back and see him okay. In the midst of her sobbing, she thought of an idea that would've probably seemed stupid had Angela been thinking right. 

But she wasn't. 

Keeping a tight hold on one end of the staff, she activated it into healing mode, taking a deep breath amongst her tears, before sharply jamming it into Gabe's chest. She squeezed her eyes tight shut and for a few moments, nothing happened. Then a bright, yellow light began to shine from the staff and seemed to envelope Gabe's body, along with the staff. The sound of bones cracking and shifting soon followed, and Angela let out a horrified little cry, jumping backwards. She watched, the staff managing to keep itself upright from where it was lodged in Gabe's chest. Amongst the bright light, Angela could see the silhouette of Gabe's body twitch and jerk in ways that seemed painful. He came to lie still after a few moments and the light began to die, before his body seemed to throw itself onto his side. The staff fell out and landed on the floor, the hole where it had been seeming to just close itself.

Angela took a few cautious steps back towards Gabe, noticing as his chest began to fall and rise as he began to breath in and out. She managed to form a smile as she knelt down beside him.
"Gabriel...?" She whispered, linking her fingers with his, trying to be gentle. He seemed to utter a word but she couldn't quite make it out. She shook her head a little.
"It's alright, I'm here." She muttered, leaning forward and pressing her lips gently to the side of his head. He seemed to manage something like a groan, his eyes blinking a little but not really opening very wide. Angela didn't mind. He was alive and she would wait here with him until he was okay to move, or be moved if he needed help with that. She loved him, and she would do anything for him.

(Sorry that this one is so short in comparison to what I normally write, new ideas will be coming soon.
In the meantime, feel free to request/suggest ships for me to write about.)

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