Wandering Stranger - Genji x Mercy

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(Requested by TheDrAgonBecomesMe

The night was dark, and a chilling breeze was streaming it's way around amidst the darkness. The blonde haired woman was holding her coat firmly shut, her arms folded over her chest in an attempt to retain any warmth on this cold night. A silky, green scarf was wrapped around her fragile, pale neck, and there were slightly fluffy, yet tattered gloves enveloping her fingers. Yet still, shivers ran through her body as the cold attacked. She sighed, and glanced around. The streets were eerily quiet, empty. No other human could be seen walking down the street, no cars seemed to go past - it was just her and the cold in the dark. 

She sped up a little, watching her feet as she walked. The walk back from work this late at night was never pleasant as she didn't particularly like being in the dark on her own, and her desire to get home and out of the dark pushed her to walk faster. Normally it wasn't this quiet, and the fact the streets were this empty made the darkness that surrounded her even more terrifying than if there were people around her. She sped up yet again, not paying much attention to her surroundings. This was why she ended up bumping into him. 

Walking so fast meant she hit him with enough force that she fell  backwards after impact, falling to be lay on her butt on the cold concrete of the pavement. She gasped a little, shocked by the sudden collision, before glancing back up at the male stood above her. 
"I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you up." The male apologised and held out his hand for her to take so that he could pull her back to her feet. She slipped her hand into his, nodding a little to thank him for his help as he helped her back up. He smiled a little, before realising who he was faced with now that she was standing and frowned a little. 
"Angela...?" He muttered, looking at her. He had his mask off, wearing clothes over his cyborg body so that he could come out amongst normal people and be taken for a normal human, but he knew she'd recognise him. They had spent some much time together about five years ago when they both still played an active part in Overwatch that there was no way she could mistake him for someone else or even not recognise him at all.
"Genji?!" Angela said with a light gasp as she stared at him, her dear friend whom she hadn't seen in a few years. 
"Long time, no see." Genji laughed a little, a smile spreading across his face as he looked at Angela whom still seemed a little stunned. 
"I... Yes, it has been a long time." Angela muttered after taking a moment to compose herself. She smiled up at Genji, glad to see him after so long. 
"Are you uh headed somewhere important? You were walking pretty quickly just then." Genji asked, his head tilting a little as he questioned her. 
"Oh, no. Just headed home." She replied with a slight shrug. At this, he turned on his heels, falling back to be beside her side, and slipped his robotic hand into her gloved one, flashing her a cute, dorky smile. 
"Allow me to walk you home." He replied, starting to walk in the direction Angela had just been going. 

They quickly got back to Angela's home, although Genji wished the walk had taken longer. 
"Well... this is my place..." Angela muttered as she got to the gate that lead into her front garden. 
"I suppose, this is goodbye then." Genji replied, looking at Angela before glancing over at her front door momentarily, before looking back at Angela herself. 
"You could always come in. You wouldn't be distracting me from anything." Angela replied with a smile, not letting go of Genji's hand as she pulled open the gate and stepped into her own front garden. 
"If that is what you wish." Genji replied with a slight smile as he followed her. Angela nodded a little and pulled Genji into her quaint little house, shutting the door behind them both. 

They found themselves sat on the sofa together, working their way through a bottle of wine together, although neither one of them seemed very tipsy. 
"I missed seeing you so much, Genji. If I wasn't so swarmed with work, perhaps I would have come to see you at some point." Angela sighed a little and took a big gulp of the wine in her glass. Genji frowned a little, reaching over and taking her hand gently. He had the front of his helmet resting on the small, glass coffee table so his face was exposed. 
"I hope you've not been overworking your self again Angela." Genji muttered, glancing at her. He didn't even mind that she hadn't seen him in so long; he only cared about the fact that it sounded like she had been overworking herself yet again. 
"No, no, of course not!" She replied hurriedly, before glancing over as her phone went off that was sat on the table, the screen flashing up to revealing she had a message from 'The Boss'. She went to reach for it but Genji stopped her, pulling her hand back into his. He raised his other hand and hooked a finger under her chin to turn her head to face him again. 
"No more work. Use this time to focus on us." He muttered in a quiet, hushed tone, before leaning forward and pressing his cold, scarred lips to her soft, pink ones, capturing them together in a sweet kiss. Angela's eyes closed and the thoughts of work left her mind, her focus now coming to rest on the man she'd been missing for so many years, the man she loved.

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