Dark Blanket - Reaper x Soldier 76

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A dark smoke filled the room like thick tendrils swirling around one another in an almost tornado like formation. A dark figure formed in the middle of the smoke, and as it began to dissipate, it whipped around his feet ferociously, before finally disappearing from sight.

A sinister laugh escaped the lips of the masked figure as he lifted his head to survey the room he had found himself to be in. The large orange and white circular logo was emblazoned on one of the walls.
"I should've known you'd hole yourself up here, you sentimental fool." The figure muttered in a deep, hoarse voice as he strolled forward towards the door on the opposite side of the room. The figure draped in a black cloak, who went by the name of Reaper, knew the layout of this old, abandoned building all too well and part of him wished he didn't. He shook his head and pushed the thoughts away as best he could as he began his journey through the next corridor.

Reaper was here on a mission, and would not stop until it was complete. His allies had suggested that he were not to go on his own for the danger of his task, but he had refused. He was here alone. He would finish this alone.

He continued down the corridor before stopping to open a door and look inside. This new room had clearly been the old infirmary. All the beds, the technology, the equipment - it was all still there, maybe even operational, but it had been abandoned. Dust covered almost every inch of the room and a cluster of spiders had built their home in one corner of the room. Reaper would've carried on, but couldn't help but hesitate. He wondered where she was now, what she was doing now. He wondered if she hated him, like others who knew the truth did. Another shake of the head discarded these thoughts and he continued down the dark, silent corridor.

Room after room he found to be empty. He had suspected as much. No one had been here in a while since the organisation had been shut down. But still, it was as if something still lingered here. He couldn't put his finger on it, didn't quite know what it was, but there was definitely something.

Reaper quickly came across the main room of operations, which was filled with monitors which used to display locations and profiles and camera feeds, but now it stood dead. As Reaper swept through the room on his way to the stairs, he noticed it from the corner of his eye. He stopped, turned on his heels and made his way over before stopping. On one desk lay a laptop that was covered in horse stickers all over, so much so that the logo could no longer be seen or recognised. Sitting beside this was a box of tissues that was half empty, in front of which sat a small horse figurine that he knew had been the favourite of his colleague. This was accompanied by an old, slightly tattered, black beanie hat that had once belonged to him. He sighed and placed his hand on it.
"Where did you go, kid...?" He muttered as he picked up the small horse figurine. Reaper smiled beneath his mask as he looked at it, before pocketing it quickly and making a promise to himself that he would return it to its rightful owner one day.

The climb up the stairs felt heavy and forced. Reaper felt sick, almost nervous. He wanted to stop and turn around, just leave, but he forced himself onwards. They wouldn't let him forget about it if he went back to Talon a failure. He just had to hope that his target wasn't actually here.

His heart sunk as he heard the breathing coming from behind his old bedroom door.
'Of course he'd stay here and not in his own room.' He thought with a quiet sigh, before pushing the door open. He glanced over at his enemy whom was lay curled up on the bed. He lifted his head to look at Reaper and smiled a little.
"Gabriel." He murmured, that smile never faltering.
"Jack..." Gabe managed in reply as he pulled down his hood and pulled off the Reaper mask. He dropped it to the floor and his hand floated down to rest on the end of his shotgun. Jack noticed the movement but didn't say anything, expecting this to have come. He was just happy to see his old friend one last time, despite everything.

"Why?" Gabe managed to ask after a moment, his voice cracking a little as he tried not to cry at the sight of his old, now scarred, friend.
"Why what, Gabe?" Jack said with a reassuring smile, sitting up from where he had been curled up.
"Why would you stay here?" Gabe sighed, "there's too many memories.." he muttered, casting his gaze across the room.
Jack nodded, "I know." He replied as he got up off the bed and brushed his clothes down with his hands, "but they're good memories." He smiled, taking a few steps closer to the confused and conflicted Gabriel.
"I-" Gabe was cut off by Jack.
"You're still a good memory, Gabe." Jack sighed with a kind smile as he planted one of his oh-so-familiar kisses on Gabe's scarred forehead, resting a hand on Gabe's cheek gently.
"I am...?" Gabe whispered in reply, wide eyed.
Jack nodded.
"You are."

(This is just a quick one to make up for the fact I haven't posted in a while. I'm just busy and lacking the time to write at the moment. I'll have more for you soon, promise.) 

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