Currently Eric felt his temper rising: After a rough night due to Teddy's nightmares he had awoken sleep deprived, not that he blamed Teddy only he wasn't what one could call well rested. Their breakfast had gone surprisingly well and Eric had been quite pleased with himself. Then, when Christy came over, Teddy had fussed a little bit but it hadn't been bad. So originally he hadn't been in a sour mood, until it turned out that Sean had been right, when he had decided to handle things personally: Marcus Eaton had been all smiles and professional regret about the dead members until Sean informed him, that Teddy would be raised in Dauntless.
"Really, there will be no need for you to bother yourself with the child. Although Abigail's parents are no longer alive, I'm sure we will find a family here, who wouldn't bother to take him in."
'Wouldn't bother?' Eric gritted out, glaring at the Abnegation leader. The nerve of that man.
"I may take him in myself."
Eric, who had been clued in on the other man's abusing of his own son, felt his hackles rise up. 'No fucking way.' He was about to say as much when Sean answered with a stony expression:
"There will be no need for that. Upon returning one of our members reported, that Ethan entrusted him with his son."
A sharp intake could be heard in the room.
'Yeah, swallow that!' Eric thought.
With an unbelieving look Marcus Eaton said: "Now, I find that hard to believe. Are you sure you can trust this soldier?"
Eric, who had been already tense, felt his blood boil. 'That fucking asshole.' Not only was Marcus insulting him but also the entire faction. Though the young leader had promised Sean earlier to be at his best behavior and let him handle things, Eric couldn't stand this any longer.
"Are you saying we are liars or just, that my men would lie to me?" He growled.
He felt Sean's hand on his arm, trying to calm him.
"I trust this man," was all Sean replied to the insult.
"Perhaps he misheard? Ethan was dying after all."
"I can assure you, Ethan Hamilton was quite clear about it and there are also the witnesses from Amity. With that being said I have to request, that we will be able to gather some things for the boy of his parent's house and that the house will stay untouched until after the funeral. Eric will accompany the boy to the funeral and will then take the boy to his former home so he can say farewell."
Apparently Marcus must have noticed that his case was lost, but that little shit wouldn't go down without a fight, Eric observed when Marcus said:
"Well, tell me at least with whom the boy is staying, so we can keep track and will be able to teach him the Abnegation way. As for your request, of cause Theodore is welcome to attend the funeral. "
Eric noticed, that he hadn't been included, but didn't care. Apparently Marcus was a sour looser.
"As for your other request, it is Abnegation tradition to give the belongings of the deceased to those in need."
Now that didn't sit well with Eric. What bastard would take things out on a child? He was about to get in his face when Sean beat him to it:
"It wouldn't be very selfless to deny an orphaned child to mourn his parent's and remember them, now would it?"
Eric didn't managed fully to suppress a malice grin from spreading over his face at Sean's way to turn the tables.
"As for the boys education, by faction law he will be raised to the faction of is legal guardian so there is no need for you to bother yourself, but rest assured that his guardian in held in high regard by me."
Eric stilled. Since Sean didn't give a dam about Marcus and his request, he knew Sean had said these word for him only. Marcus looked sourly now, but there wasn't anything he could say. Eric was still a little shaken by Sean sudden proclamation of esteem towards him, when he was shown his friend's small house.
Eric felt strange as he entered his friend's home. Due to the rules he had never been there, while Ethan and his wife had been alive and looking around now felt like he invaded their privacy. Their home looked typical Abnegation, next to no personal belongings. On the counter Eric noticed a wedding picture, one of the rare pictures allowed. He picked it up carefully and put it in the bag he had brought with him, without taking a proper look at it. Now was not the time. He would, later, with Teddy, together. Upon entering Teddy's room it became apparent Ethan had stretched the rules of Abnegation to their limits for Teddy. The walls were all grey, all right, but out of every shade of grey possible including green-grey, blue grey and more, he had painted a huge picture at the wall. It was clearly made with love at is was so full of details, swarmed with hidden things waiting to be discovered by a curious child. On the small bed set a teddy bear at which Eric had to smile – a teddy for Teddy. Picking him up, he could see he was apparently well loved since the plush was already shabby at some parts. Definitely something he would take home for Teddy. Again due to the rules there weren't many toys, so he simply packed everything. For a moment Eric toyed with the idea to pack the bed as well just to piss off Marcus, but sadly he had promised to behave himself and so he left the house to rejoin with Sean.
"You ready?" The main leader addressed him.
"Yeah. All clear on my side."
"Good, let's go then."
Giving Marcus and the others a short goodbye, they headed back to Dauntless. On their train ride they talked things over, both united in their relief about Teddy's fate, especially considering how easily Teddy could have ended up with Marcus, no doubt suffering the same as Four had.
Rattled by the things that had transpired and been said at Abnegation, Eric again mused over Sean. Never in his life had he been held in high regard because of his character. If he, by chance, got praised it had always been about his skills. A fact he hadn't even been much aware of, until Sean made a difference. In the beginning it had been Max, who out of the leaders, had pushed him, supported him. Compared to the support Sean offered him the last two days, Eric had to concede to the fact, that Max support hadn't been genuine. Clearly he had made a mistake, when he had followed Max lead to stay away from the main leader.
Marcus Eaton
Marcus was fuming. Who did these Dauntless maroons think they are? He would not allow them to simply take some of his members even if it was only a child. How would this look in public? But whatever he did, he better prepare it quietly.

Family of two
FanfictionWhen Eric's close friend and his wife die during an ambush, Eric finds himself suddenly in the role of a caretaker for their little son. Now, it wouldn't be very dauntless to shy away from it and he wouldn't. Aaand yes, there will be a love interest...