8 - Funeral

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The next morning Eric was awoken by something colliding with his face.

'What the hell?'

His eyes shot open, but when he felt a small body shifting next to him, it came rushing back: The ambush, Ethan and Teddy. The little guy had awoken him during the night, when Teddy had cried out in his sleep and Eric's efforts to help had ended him in the same bed as Teddy. He still remembered Teddy shaking along with an insecure plea to stay, claiming it would be all better if only he'd stay. No one had ever depended on him like that and no one had ever faith in him like that. He felt honored by it and at the same time it scared him. How did one live up to that? Hearing the pleas, Eric hadn't known what do to. Was it better for the boy to face his fears now? Or would it be better to follow his heart and give in to the pleas? In the end Eric had gotten his bed sheds from the living room and after tucking Teddy back in, made himself comfortable on the other side of the bed. Looking at Teddy he could see he was sleeping peacefully. Teddy's arms must have gotten into his face while turning around; they laid now alongside his head on the pillow, next to his teddy. Carefully not to wake him, Eric got up and after a detour to the bathroom, he began to prepare breakfast. His kitchen was now better stored thanks to Julie, who had dropped of some groceries for them the day before. Brewing himself a coffee, he set the table with cereals for the both of them. After that he went to wake up Teddy.

"Teddy." Eric said while giving him a soft nudge.

"Hm." The boy mumbled, making him smile.

"Time to get up."

Teddy sat up in is bed and began to rub his eyes.

"I made us breakfast." Eris said walking over to the dresser where he had made place for Teddy the other day. He got out black pants, underwear and socks and put them on the bed. He was about to get out a shirt, when he remembered Mia's advice, that boys at Teddy's age liked to choose between two things. Therefore he got out a red and a purple shirt and holding them up, he asked:

"Which one do you want to wear?"

Looking at them Teddy took some time to think about it before he answered:

"The purple one."

"Okay." Eric put it on the bed to the rest of the clothes. "Now hop into the bathroom."

Once Teddy had climbed out of bed Eric followed after a while to see if he needed help and together they figured out just how much help Teddy needed.

Now they were sitting in the living room, eating. Teddy was careful balancing the bowl on his knees since the table was too far away from him. After they were finished, Eric knew he had to talk to Teddy about the funeral.


The boy looked at him.

"Your parent's funeral will be later today."

Eric noticed Teddy freezing. Damn. He should do something. He decided on scooting closer to Teddy and was relieved when he leaned into him for comfort, so Eric now also placed one arm around him.

"I wanna go there."

"Good. So we will both be going. So this is what will happen today..."

Eric wanted Teddy to be prepared of what would be going on but since he knew nothing about funerals in Abnegation he could only explain the basics. Maybe it would be enough. Teddy was only three and a half after all and it would be a cold day in hell before he's asked Four. Besides, Four would start to ask questions and he was the last person Eric wanted to know Teddy's heritage from Abnegation. For one he feared the information could leak to persons who'd better not know for Teddy safety and, apart from that, Eric shuddered at the imagination of Four constantly giving him much unwanted advice how to rise a former Abnegation-child.

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