Slowly but steadily Eric fought his way back to consciousness. A heavy weight laid on his left shoulder but he couldn't remember why that was. Blinking he opened his eyes and quickly shut them again, blinded by the bright sunlight flooding the room. Cautiously he opened them anew and caught sight of a female body next to him: Mia. Sleepily he smiled at her, it was nice having her curled up to him. She must have fallen asleep while they were watching over Teddy last night. 'Teddy!' Quickly but carefully not to wake Mia, Eric got up after untangling himself from Mia and laying her gently out flat on the sofa with a pillow under her head. He then padded over to the child's room, his movements stiff and ungainly due to the awkward position he slept in. The sight of a peacefully sleeping Teddy did a lot to put him in a good mood despite his lack of sleep. Mia was still sound asleep and Eric decided to get her more comfortable. He owed her at least that much for her help. Gingerly lifting her up, Eric carried her to his bed were he laid her down and gently pulled the blanket up. Sometime during the night she had already removed her shoes so he simply put them near the bedside. He closed the door so she could sleep undisturbed before he showered and had breakfast. Tired he pulled himself a cup of coffee when suddenly someone banged at his door loudly. With a silent curse Eric hurried to open it before Teddy or Mia would be awakened by the noise.
"Four!" He hissed.
"And good morning to you too." Four boomed.
"Shush! You wake them!" Eric glared at him, then added in a dangerously low voice: "What do you want? And keep quite!" If Four was to continue like that Mia and Teddy would surely be awoken by all the commotion. When then the bedroom door opened and out stumbled a very deranged Mia, blinking owlishly, Eric felt his fits itching to punch that maroon.
"I take it you had fun last night?" Four's voice dripped with sarcasm while he looked Mia up and down.
Desperately trying to stay calm Eric eyed his nemesis with disgust and his voice was cold and clipped when he answered: "And here I was thinking you couldn't sink any lower."
"Since it appears that you wouldn't join training today I wanted to give you my report for the rankings." The other man said none fazed.
Without another word Eric stretched out one hand and after Four had handed them over, Eric simply said: "Okay. And now – out!" Already opening the door.
Giving the pair another eye roll Four stepped out into the hallway and had the door closed after him immediately.
Some loud banging woke her up. No! She hadn't had nearly enough sleep! Snuggling deeper into the covers Mia enjoyed how fluffy and cozy there were, much more than her own. 'These are not mine!' She registered and, opening her eyes, she became aware of her surroundings and noticed being in a bedroom that definitely wasn't her own. Blinking at unfamiliar dark blue colored bedding she concluded that Eric must have carried her here while she was sleeping. Mia smiled. Eric was much softer on the inside then people gave him credit for. The way he was adapting to being a father was proof of it. The little guy truly trusted him and it was obviously how much Eric loved him in all his actions if you had eyes to see. And then... Eric had been clearly hurt about the whole sick-bay-transfer-incident yesterday. "And good morning to you too!" Someone shouted in the living room.
'What the hec?'
Still sleepy Mia stumbled out of the bedroom to give that man a piece of her mind. In the living room Eric was glaring at a man around their age who looked somewhat familiar to Mia.
'Oh yeah – cake-boy. The one who made Teddy drop his chocolate cake. The one who had thought Teddy had no right to be at the cafeteria. That one. O joy!' Cake-boy now looked her up and down his face twisting in something close to disgust. Mia was taken aback. She didn't even knew him. She was about to confront him, when he turned back to Eric:
"I take it you had fun last night?"
His rude behavior repulsed Mia further but giving the comment Eric hissed his way it wasn't new to him. As much as Mia was angered about cake-boy's rudeness she was more concerned about Teddy being awoken due to the noise. When Eric told him to lower his voice that man - Four as she now knew - seemed totally unfazed quite contrary he actually snorted! Of cause she heard about Four. The transfer who had only four fears but she had never encountered him and giving what she saw now she was glad. She had wondered when she heard about him the first time what kind of person would call himself a number. Now she knew, an asshole. Mia was still fuming after Eric had gotten rid of him.
"He really is a piece of work, isn't he? Asshole." Mia whispered.
Eric looked at her, his features relaxed a bit and much to her surprise even a small grin was forming around his mouth.
"That he is. Most people wouldn't agree though."
'Was he serious? How could anybody like Four with the way he acted?'
"Really? They must be pretty numb."
Still grinning Eric walked to check on Teddy and Mia joined him. Luckily the exhausted little boy had slept through the whole encounter.
"Thanks for letting me sleep in comfort." Mia thanked Eric with a tired smile. She hadn't expected that. A blanket and a pillow at the couch maybe. Eric didn't seemed to be one to let just anybody crash in his bed. "I really appreciate it. It's no fun to work with a stiff neck."
"You deserved it." Eric looked at her earnestly.
To her embarrassment she couldn't suppress a big yawn. Right into his face! Mia blushed with shame.
"Go back to sleep Mia." It was a gentle command. One Mia didn't want to argue with. At this time she didn't feel awake enough to walk all the way home.
"What about you?"
"I stay here. I have paperwork that comes with a deadline."
"Oh. Okay. That sucks. Thanks for the offer. I really don't want to walk all the way back to mine right now."
"That's what I've thought. Go. Sleep."
With a last grateful looked she dragged her tired body back to bed. Already half asleep she changed into a shirt Eric had handed her. Faintly she was aware of his scent lingering in the sheets. She liked it. Before she had a chance to think any further about it, she had drifted off to sleep.

Family of two
FanfictionWhen Eric's close friend and his wife die during an ambush, Eric finds himself suddenly in the role of a caretaker for their little son. Now, it wouldn't be very dauntless to shy away from it and he wouldn't. Aaand yes, there will be a love interest...