28 - Trial

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Mia's POV

Mia had no look for the impressive glass construction of Candor as she walked towards the trial room with Teddy clinging to her hand. At any other day she might have been interested to learn more about this faction by it but this was none of those days. Teddy had shut down after Eric had let himself been arrested – there was no doubt in Mia about the fact that nobody would have been able to accomplish this task if he hadn't come willingly. Before handing himself over Eric had explained to his son someone had told lies about him, trying to take Teddy away from him, but he wouldn't let that happen, and in order to set things right he needed to go to fight these lies. Teddy's wide eyes had shown his desperation and fright as he had hold on tight onto his guardian, his small arms around Eric neck. Mia's heart broke while Teddy had begged again and again for Eric not to leave him. It had been a mess. Eric had told Teddy to be brave for him, and that he would never give up on Teddy, because Dauntless never gave up. So Teddy shouldn't be afraid. No one would ever take him away from him. "Promise?" The little boy's voice had wavered as he begged for reassurance.

Eric had looked him into the eyes when he replied: "I promise, Teddy."

Teddy had hiccupped and then finally nodded breathing: "'Kay," to Eric. Only then had Mia been able to scoop him up to carry him away to Eric's since it would be easier on Teddy. The whole shooting mess hadn't come to her attention until Mike and Jack had come over in the evening after their shift ended. Mia had been aghast. She had hoped Sean would deal with the accordingly but when the leader had dropped by they hadn't bothered to discussed these low life's, but had talked about the upcoming trial. All of Eric's friends had tried to help Mia to coax Teddy out of his shock and in the end they had succeeded, when the little guy finally began to talk again and interact with them. Though he was still quite and withdrawn. He only seemed to come to life when they talked about Eric. Mia was thankful for Eric's friends when soon Mike and Jack had told him story after story. Some of them had obviously been quite smoothed over to be suitable.

Now, waiting for the trial to begin, Mia still wondered who was behind that accusation, and how that person had convinced Candor. Due to the tension of the last days Mia felt like someone had sucked all the energy out of her. Then there was the fact of the sleep deprivation caused by Teddy's nightmares where he would call out for Eric. Of cause Mia had allowed Teddy to share Eric's bed with her in hope to reassure him some more. While Teddy and Mia waited outside the court room Mia addressed Teddy who had been told what would happen the day before: "Teddy. Now, don't be afraid, okay? They will ask you about how living with Eric had been. Just tell them the truth, okay?"

Teddy nodded: "'Kay."



Much to Mia's dread the courtroom was filled to capacity. Though she knew her boyfriend to be able to handle the situation, Teddy was not. The little boy was clearly overwhelmed and Mia felt his grip tighten as everyone was staring at him. Once the formality were over Jack Kang begun with his interrogation. Mia could tell that he tried to help Teddy as he was keeping his voice gentle and asking easy questions. Teddy told about the daycare and playtime with Eric. When he recounted how they had built high towers together, it became obvious how little faith the people on the audience had in the parenting skills of dauntless' famous youngest leader. Mia heard them gasp and saw them looking at each other and especially Teddy with wide eyes. She also overheard fragments of conversations: ..."who would have guessed..." "Really?" "...I had heard him to be rather cruel?!"

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