Muffled up completely in Eric's jacked, the little boy clung to the young leader trustfully, his face buried in his shoulder for comfort. With his left arm Eric supported the weight while his right stroked Teddy's back. Despite the fact that, due to the regulations, he hadn't had many opportunities to get to know his friend's son in the last years, those rare and short encounters seemingly had been enough for Theo to trust him.
'Was this common for children of Teddy's age? Did they trust easy?'
The young leader asked himself, since he didn't know any other children, he had no clue he brooded. Only moments later he reprimanded himself:
'Why are you pondering over this? He trusts you!'
Eric let himself cherish this knowledge despite the current situation. This tiny human being trusted him, an honor to hold dear. Wondering briefly if his friend had sometimes talked about him to his son, memories of Ethan flooded his mind. Only, now was not the time. He would grieve for his friend, but first of all he had Teddy to look after. Again and again he scanned the area to make sure there wouldn't be any more threats on his way to the station. When he finally got here, it seemed forever for the train to arrive and then there was the arduousness of entering the train: He would have to use both his hands. Eric decided to make some sling out of his jacket that would be able to support Teddy. Had Teddy been older, he would have simply taken him piggy pack but that was out of question here, that much he knew. Warily Eric scanned the area anew and finally the train arrived.
"Teddy. I need you to put your arms around my neck and hold on to me tight, okay?"
Teddy didn't reply but Eric could feel his arms coming up around his neck.
"That's it Teddy. Like that. I am going to jump unto the train now. Hold on as tight as you can."
Eric ran alongside the train and jumped unto the small platform outside of it, gripping the handle and then reaching for the door to open it. Finally inside he stayed as far away from the door as possible, only then did he reach for Teddy to get him off. Gathering the boy in his arms, he let himself slide to the ground and tried to get them both comfortable. Sitting down on the ground he mentally listed those things he had to take care of immediately:
1. Informing the other leaders of the attack and his new responsibility - Teddy
2. Making sure, Teddy could rest
He wished he could switch these two but he knew there was no way around it short to handing Teddy to someone else, the one thing he wouldn't do. At present Teddy was still under shock but certainly not for much longer and Eric wanted to be able to comfort the boy, when everything came crushing down on him.
Perhaps he would be able to get a book about children development at the market, Eric mused. None of his friends had children so he couldn't ask them and there was no way he'd ask anybody else and let them know how clueless and helpless he was.
Dauntless youngest leader had long since learned his lesson not to broadcast his weaknesses to the world.
When Eric entered the Dauntless compound the guard looked at his leader twice, then, seeing the man was about to open his mouth to say something, Eric glared at him. He gritted his teeth; he was in no mood for noisy questions. Luckily the man was scared enough to let him pass without further enquiry. In times like this Eric was glad of his reputation. Sure, scuttlebutt would start soon but Eric couldn't care less, while he was heading out to the leaders bureaus with big strives.
"Sean?" Eric asked knocking at the office door of the oldest leader.
"Eric. Come in." Sean answered. "Give me a moment." He continued without looking up, only to rise quickly once he finally caught sight of Eric.

Family of two
FanfictionWhen Eric's close friend and his wife die during an ambush, Eric finds himself suddenly in the role of a caretaker for their little son. Now, it wouldn't be very dauntless to shy away from it and he wouldn't. Aaand yes, there will be a love interest...