Hi There! I'd realy like to know what you guys think. Please let me know. :-)
Now that Teddy was finally asleep Eric felt a little bit more at ease. He wasn't used to look after someone who was sick in the first place and even less after a sick child. Just after closing the door to their home behind him Teddy had vomited all over him. Though he longed to clean himself up before anything else, he knew he had first to consider Teddy. So he had grabbed a bowl from the kitchen before he hurried to the nursery. Since all the vomit had been on his own clothes he simply put Teddy to bed, with the bowl close by just in case. Teddy had been clingy and while Eric had wished to change and have a quick shower to clean himself in the end he had only been able to at least get rid of his sticky and smelling clothes and then quickly putting on a new tee along with some sweatpants, before he returned to his fussing and miserable little boy. He sat with him until he fell asleep. Carefully not to reawake Teddy, Eric now slipped out of the room and padded over to the bathroom to take his overdue shower. Clean at last. A bliss. He was feeling refreshed and more prepared for the long day and maybe long night ahead of him. Tossing the dirty clothes into the washing machine Eric decided he could as well do the whole laundry. A quick check on Teddy revealed a still sleeping child so Eric decided to settle himself in the living room to get some work done. Two hours and a sandwich later Eric could hear movement coming from Teddy's room followed by a faint call. When he entered the room Teddy looked at him, still pale and in addition he now looked sweaty.
"How are you, Teddy?" Eric inquired while laying a hand onto his forehead to check his temperature.
"I feel so hot." Teddy whined.
Eric could tell that he was a little febrile. This wasn't good. He had no clue if this was becoming something more severe than just a stomach bug. For Teddy's sake he had to stay calm though.
"Go back to sleep Teddy, it will be better. Okay?"
If only it'd be as easy as that. It turned out a sick Teddy was a cranky one and after some arguing from his side and complaining and refusing to do as asked from Teddy's, Eric almost lashed out at his son. He caught himself just in time. Taking a deep breath and clenching his hands to fists Eric desperately tried to calm himself. He didn't want to take out his temper on Teddy, who looked at him with wide eyes: "Are you mad? Cause I didn't mean to be bad. Honestly. Please don't be mad."
Eric looked down into the pair of watery eyes. 'Shit!' He cursed inwardly. Teddy hadn't been sick for more than a few hours and already he was messing up.
"I'm sorry Teddy." – How many times did he already have to apologize to this kid? - "I didn't mean to frighten you, but I really wish for you to sleep some more so you will be get better soon, okay?"
"Kay, but..."
'Here it comes again' Eric braced himself.
"...I'm not sleepy anymore."
While thinking of a way out of their dilemma Eric returned the look of his son more calmly now that he had successfully managed to handle his temper. Letting his eyes wander around the room he hoped for an inspiration when he caught sight of the small bookshelf.
"How about I read you a story?" Eric asked with new found optimism and was rewarded by a beaming smile. Eagerly Teddy made space for Eric in his bed. Sitting down at the bedside Eric began to read out Teddy's favorite story:
"Once upon a time there was a small dragon named Flint..."
Reading stories to Teddy was something he only started a short while ago. His own parents had never taken the time to read to him, not fiction anyway. If he got lucky they would take the time to look at children's science books with him. He had stumbled upon the children's story books on a stall at the interfaction marked when he had been looking for books for himself. That day he couldn't wait to get home to see Teddy's reaction and he hadn't been disappointed. Their joint reading time quickly became both of their favorites.

Family of two
FanfictionWhen Eric's close friend and his wife die during an ambush, Eric finds himself suddenly in the role of a caretaker for their little son. Now, it wouldn't be very dauntless to shy away from it and he wouldn't. Aaand yes, there will be a love interest...