Chapter 39: Suspecting Things and Accepting Him

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Yay! Im updating.  My neck is still sore but i can still sit up now.  Thank u guys so much for ur support it rlly helped! :3 ill be posting more often now! :D

Sean's POV

"Jack? Are you okay baby?", He asked me as he wrapped his arm around me, my head angled to look to the floor.  "Wh-what if he finds me Mark? What if I don't get to see you again? What if i have to be beaten all over again?... Life my old life? No friends? No one who cares either? What do i do?", I said as tears poured down my checks.

"Baby, I wont let that fucktard even touch you.  I'm always by your side. We don't ever part after school and your safe at school", He told me as he kissed my check.  "Th-thanks Mark, bu-but he is way more intimidating than you think", I told him as tears carried on slipping from my eye lids.  "I dot give a fuck.  Ill take a bullet for you baby.  I love you so much", He told me as i small smile plastered on my face.

"Thank you Mark, i love you too.  Would you really do that? I'm so useless.  Your life is worth so much more then mine.  I-I don't matter", I told him.  "Sean, you matter to me, more than anything o this earth! Dot ever say that.  Your life is worth living.  Your so beautiful and pure", He told me as i calmed down.

"I love you so much Mark", I told him as our lips connected, softly and passionately. Perfectly.  After we parted i began to scratch the itchy cuts along my wrists, accidentally lifting my sleeve up, slightly.  Marks eyes suddenly shot don't at my wrists.  

I did it after me and Joey were talking.  I really felt like shit on that day and i wot blame Joey for it at all, its not his fault.  I just didn't have Mark there to stop me or make me feel... Worth something.

"Jack? What is thi-Why?", He told me as he grabbed my arm and pulled it towards him.  I yanked my arm away and held my wrist to my stomach.  "Its.. Its nothing Mark", I lied.  "Jack i know its fucking something and that fucking something isn't a good fucking something", He told me, a little sternly, but with sympathy and sadness at the same time.

He suddenly snatched my wrist back and forced my sleeve up, examining the cuts along my wrists.  I struggled away from him, pulling back, but he was so strong and kept a secure.  "Sean? Why the fuck did you do it? Don't say its nothing cause i know exactly what it is", He told me.  "Mark, i just cut my arm on some... umm... I saw Mia the other day and she has a pet cat.  He scratched all over my arm", I lied.

"Sean. Don't use that shit on me.  A cat wouldn't do around 18 to 20 cuts that deep along your arm.  Tell me why", He told me, with sympathy in his eyes.  "F-fine.  I just felt like a piece of s-shit so i-i just did it.  It helps me Mark", I told him, not looking at him, my head to the floor.  

"Sean, I love you so much and I know that this shit doesn't fucking help you at all.  You don't deserve what your dad put you through, you don't deserve the cuts, and if i could go back and change your entire life to be good, the i would.  But i cant do that so we will just have to change the future rather than the past.  Its possible, but not by myself.  I need your help so we can make you happy once again.  You need to stop this.  I know you think it helps and that blade is your friend, your only friend.  But you have so many friends, all these people who care about you.  Me, your boyfriend, ill always be here.  We have to change your future.  Forget your past, and be happy. (Preach queen, Preach. XD sorry i spoilt the moment)

More and more tears began to slide down my pale cheeks.  "Tha-thank you so much Mark.  If you stay with me I-I think we c-can change my-our fu-future", I told him through loud sobs.  "Don't feel like a peace of shit baby.  Your worth more than anything on my eyes", He told me as he pecked my lip.  "T-Thank you Ma-Marky", I told him as we slid down onto the couch so we lay together.  Cuddling as Mark scrolled through the channels on the T.V

Time skip - Some time later???

As we lay on the couch together our cuddling was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening to reveal Marks dad and mum.  He looked over at us, Mark hadn't realised he'd walked in yet. "What the fuck are you too doing?", Marks dad asked, confusedly.  Mark and me suddenly shot up.  "No-nothing", He said, his stutter was obvious.  

His dad's eyes narrowed at us.  I began rambling a excuse to him, "I was really upset because... something happened with me and the teacher at school.. and... some.... bullies? Um.. yeah.  SO Mark comforted me and we began watching T.V", I told them as his dads glare seemed to soften.  "Okay, well i'm going upstairs, see you two later", He told us, i cant believe he believed us to be honest.  

Marks mum didn't look too sure about it though.  She smirked, "Mark don't play this shit.  Is this your boyfriend?", she asked as Mark chuckled quietly.  "You always know everything, don't you mum?", He asked as his chuckle turned to a smile.  "Damn right i do", she laughed.  "When were you gay? Or bi? Or pan?", She asked as Mark put his arm around me.  "Well, firstly i don't really know if i'm gay, bi or pan.  But i cant look at girls the same way i used to and i cant look at Sean the same way i used to either", He told her as he kissed my head.

"And when i first had feelings for Sean, on... Last Wednesday or Tuesday.... I think?", He told her.  "Well, that's very cute", She told us as she smiled softly to us.  "Thank you so much Mrs. Fischbach", I told her.  "Aw, your welcome.  I wont judge him by his sexuality.... Just dot think that your dad will be too happy about it Mark", He told him as he nodded sadly, "Cunt"< He muttered under his breath so his mum couldn't hear him.  She did.  

Me and his mum just laughed.  "Anyway, i'm sure everyone is hungry so ill start on the dinner", She told us as Dan hugged her, "Hey mum", He told her.  "Oh hay my little Danny", She told him as she kissed his head.  Mark suddenly interrupted, "Mum, im really hungry right nooooowwww, i cant wait till dinnnnneeerrrr", He moaned as i chuckled at him.

She walked into the kitchen to fetch Mark a snack.  "Just eat cock Jack", He laughed, "We all know you want to, you love to and it sure fucking fills you up a lot", He told him with a smirk.  Me and Dan burst our laughing.  "Shut up with your mouth", Mark said as he tried to hold back his chuckles.  

His mum walked back into the room and threw him some Pringles.  "Eat these for now", She told him as she walked back to the kitchen.  "Where's Tyler?", Mark asked.  "He left while you two were spooning on the couch", He said, slightly sadly.  You could really tell that Dan loved Tyler, a lot.

YAY I UPDATED! I wanted to make it long (*laughs and cant keep back dirty mind*.... *cough* LIKE MARKS DICK *cough*.... ummm nu i didnt say that i dunno what your talking about *mutters* I was told by Jack) Anyways I got fucking 1349 words YAY! Bai guys!

Stay Alive and Stay Happy

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