Chapter 60: Beautiful Dances and Refusing To Be The King

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Guys! I. Am. Writing early today! Well.. 10:06pm is early for me.  Dont judge meh

Marks POV

"Babe, i love you but we need to go", I told him as i pushed him of me lightly.  He groaned a little.  "Fineeee", He said as i pulled him out the bathroom.  We walked over to the group who had now actually sat down at a table in the corner, it was round and covered in a white table cloth with glitter on it and some confetti as balloons sat in the centre of the table.

"What took you guys so long?", Felix asked.  "They were just getting kinky", Mia laughed.  "Horny fuckers", Melanie laughed.  "Shut up guys", I said with a chuckle.  "Whatever, do you guys wanna' go one the dance floor now? Dan and Phil are already doing stupid dance moves all over it", Mia said as she glanced over at Dan and Phil, who were doing some stupid dance moves in the middle of the room where the DJ was for the dance floor.

"Fine", I said.  "Yay!", Mia said as we followed he, Felix, Cry, Daniel and Joey following behind us.  The entire group of us were just dancing stupidly on the dance floor.  People didnt really seem to look, luckily.  They were all dancing like idiots as well.  After about 10 minutes of stupidly dancing i got a tap on my shoulder.  I turned around to see Daniel.

"Hey Daniel whats up?", I asked.  "Amy keeps staring at you", He said as he glanced over to Amy.  She was with Will but she look upset when she saw me with Sean.  I just shrugged and turned back to the group.  "Hey does anyone want to get wasted with me and Mel after this?", Mia asked.  Holy shit... Mia drinks? "I might have like one drink", Daniel replied.  "Yes!", Felix replied as Cry nodded. 

Sean looked unsure, "Aren't we a bit under aged?", He asked.  "Yeah but iv'e been drinking since 15.  You don't have to if you don't want to though", I told him.  "Were going to Mel's house.  She lives by herself.  You don't have to drink Jack but you can still come if you want to", Mia said.  "Yeah, ill still come.  I might drink a little", He replied.  "You smol innocent soul", Mel laughed.  It was the end of the night and we were mostly tired.  It was only 9:30pm though.

We were all sitting back at the table again, talking.  Until the DJ stopped us.  "Okay everyone, its the last song of the night.  Grab your date and get on the dance floor for a slow dance", He announced.  I grabbed Sean's arm and pulled him to the dance floor.  He wrapped his arms around my neck and mine wrapped around his waist.

I watched him smile softly as our eyes looked together.  I was lost in his ocean blue eyes as we swayed back and forth.  I just couldn't get free from the beautiful trance i was in, his eyes were so easy to get lost in.  I was brought out of the trance as i saw Amy glaring at me.  I just scowled back at her.  Sean saw my neck tilt to the right slightly as i looked angry into Amy's eyes.  

His hand brushed against my cheek as he titled my head to face him again.  He leaned in for a kiss.  I connected out lips as our lips collided together for a strong but passionate kiss, with just a little lust.  It was beautiful, much like the kiss that we had when we first met, when we found our love for each other.

It was amazing.  As we parted eyes were narrowed at us with disgust.  That didn't matter though.  The glares weren't even noticeable.  They were covered with the love i feel for Sean and the smiles from the rest of the group around us.  As i song ended mine and Sean's bodies parted as we sat down at the table.

Everyone was waiting for the prom king and queen to be announced now.  We honestly couldn't care less.  We knew that we weren't going to get voted for.  "Now its time for the prom king and queen everyone!", The school principle announced as he stood on the stage with his microphone.  "And the winner's are... Amy and Mark!", He said.  My heart dropped as did Sean's face.  I watched sadness and jealousy hit him as i walked, unhappily, to the stage to go and get the crown.

"Congratulations", The principle said as he handed us our crowns..  "Thank you", I told him.  "Now its time for the prom king and queen dance", He said.  "Sorry sir but i'm gonna have to.. ya know? Just pass", I said as Mia scowled at me.  "Why?", He asked.  "Because Amy isn't my date and i don't even like her.  Sir, you know that Sean is my date.  I don't want to dance with Amy", I said unhappily.

"Okay Mark.  Well congratulations to you both", He said as i walked off the stage with Amy following me.  "Dick", I heard her mutter.   "C'mon guys lets go get wasted", I heard Mel say as i walked back to the group.  "Thanks for not dancing with that bitch Mark", Jack said with a smile.  "I would never", I told him as i put my arm around him and we walked out of the doors with everyone following.

Okay, it. Is. Fucking. 11:28pm rn.  I've been fucking writing this for 1 and a half hours XD anyways i hope you liked it guys! Thank u for all the support on my book and not being mad that i took a short break.  Ily all!

Stay alive and Stay happy  

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