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ELLO FRENS... that was too creepy.. Btw im updating after this but i got tagged by amandipandi033 to do 12 random facts about me.... yay? This will waste like an hour of meh time XD i have no fucking clue what to write.  BUt here goes..... well.... its not nothing.... something?? Everything?!!? welp... i need help.  Oh shit i will be questioning this all night... Whatever.  Here it goes.

1) I had 4 horses but one sadly died on Christmas eve

2) The horse that died was a little white pony that me and my sister got for Christmas when she was 1 and i was 2.  He actually took a shit in the living room (Yup... He was in there... When we opened the door we were like HOLY FOOK A PONY)  So ive had him since i was little.  He was my sister's though cause since i was rlly smol i have always wanted my older sister's horse, taylor.  I just loved him su much! I just felt like we were perfect. AND WE WERE cause YAY he is now mine... mwhahaha....?

3) My old dog used to piss so much in the house that he had to wear a nappy.

4) I can play the drums

5) Im in a band

6) Im 13... Almost 14 so leave meh alone for being a fetus

7) My favourite colour is black

8) I love Panic! At the Disco, Twenty One Pilots, My Chemical Romance and a bunch of other rock bands that u shall probably not know of

9) I love making ppl happy and helping ppl out.  They r all so much more important then me and i believe that nobody deserves to die... Even if im rlly mad at them i wont say i hope they go and die cause that effects me a lot and plus, no one on earth deserves to die cause they werent born like this, its just the things that they have been through... Holy fook.. deep shit.

10) Ive been bullied since four

11) I think that friendship is extremely special.  One of my worst fears is that i loose my closets friends when i grow up. They r the only ppl to make me smile and happy.  My family doesnt rlly care and i cant go to them for anything.  I can always go to my friends and they r so close to me that im scared i might never see such amazing ppl again.  I wouldnt actually be alive if it werent for them, since my friends and Markiplier r the reason i stay alive

11) LAST ONE........ UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... UMMM............ I. HAVE. NO. IDEA. HELP. MA. PLZ.  Okay... Um.  My fears i guess?? here ya go: Clowns, Spiders, Heights, Failing in life, My family, Bertil the knife.... *hides*

I also tag:











Because... Fuck it

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