Chapter 54: Homophobes and Prom Nights

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Sean's POV

Finally i was finished with the test.  I wasn't here on Friday to revise for our last lesson so i had some trouble on it.  Luckily i finished in time, now i was just leaning on the table, waiting for Joey to finish his test, miss said that he could only have the rest of break time to finish because he was dyslexic, i just hope he finishes soon.  I really want to see my friends, we didn't talk really long this morning.

After about 5 minutes Joey was done but he looked a little worried as he handed it to the teacher before we walked out.  "Do you think you did well?", I asked as we walked through the halls.  He shook his head a little sadly, "N-not really", He told me.  I put my arm around him.  "Aw, don't worry, i bet you did better then i did", I chuckled as he nodded with a small smile.

I was suddenly distracted as i saw a huge poster in on the wall of the hall and stopped completely.  There were two, one slightly bigger than the other.  I went to a full stop and turned to face the posters, Joey doing the same.  I smiled at the first one as i read 'Prom is coming soon! Gather you dates!'.  

Wow, i forgot that prom was nearly here.  Fucking awesome. I thought to myself with a smile.  I was then suddenly saddened when my eyes swiveled to the slightly bigger poster as i read 'Ban Homosexuality'.  I scowled as i read the words.  Then my eyes moved to Joey, who was saddened and looked pretty hurt by the poster.  "Don't worry", I told him as i flung my arm back around him and began walking up the hallway again, "Its just some of the stupid homophobic teachers like... That geography teacher, Mr. Ross and our gym teacher, Mr. Hudson", I said with a smile as he nodded.

We finally got outside and at the oak tree where me and Joey separated and walked up to our boyfriends, sitting down in the circle that everyone formed.  "Hey Jack, hows your arm?", Dan asked.  "Its alright, it doesn't really hurt much at all, but have you guys seen the huge posters in the halls by the school office?", I asked them.

Daniel shook his head but everyone else nodded.  "Yeah, the fucking bastards", Mark spat.  "What is it?", Daniel asked.  "It was a huge 'ban homosexuality' poster", Felix interrupted.  "I feel like that fucking prom poster next to it is saying something", Mia said, suspiciously.  "What do you mean?", I asked.  "Mia said that they might not let gay couples into the prom", Phil said, a little sadly.

"What the fuck?", Cry said angrily.  "Its okay, i think that some of the cheerleaders might be selling tickets, i can get past those bitches any day", Mark said.  "Yeah, flirting with them", Mia mumbled as Cry and Felix chuckled a little.  "Whats that supposed to mean?", Mark asked defensively.

"Mark, you had a new girlfriend every week, there all over you.  Every single cheerleader is dying to date you, whether your with Jack or not", Mia said.  "Yeah but i never loved them.  I actually love Jack", He said as butterflies took over all the feelings i had inside.  "Plus i wont flirt with any of those slags", He said.

"You better not Markimoo", I giggled as i kissed his cheek.  He pulled me closer towards him and wrapped his arm around me tighter.    "Whatever, about prom.  Its pretty fucking soon", Mia said.  "I think we all know who were going with", Daniel said with a smile.  "Are you with Melanie yet?", Dan asked.  "Almost, we hung out on Thursday.  Then on Friday we got a lot closer, on Saturday i kissed her and we have been hanging out like were together but i haven't asked her out yet or gone on any dates", She said.

"I bet she's gonna go to prom with you anyway", I told her.  "Baby? Do you wanna' go to prom?", Mark asked,a little nervously,  staring into my eyes as I turned my head to him.  "Of course Marky.  I wouldn't say 'no' even if you wanted me to", I told him with a smile as he pulled me closer and we connected our lips, kissing slowly and passionately. Our lips moulding together.

"Get a room!", Mia laughed causing the rest of the group to chuckle as we parted.  "Whatever Mia", I chuckled.  Suddenly the bell chimed and we all shot up and walked back into the school doors.  We walked back into school, hopefully this day ends soon.

In the next chapter there is gonna be a huge time skip somewhere in there maybe at the start lol.  I think it will be like a couple weeks... idek x3 but its gonna be around the night of prom, then graduation.  I feel like i'm rushing but ive done over 50 chapter so idk.  Tell me if u think i am.  Bai beans

Stay alive and Stay happy

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