Chapter 62: More Sadness and More Cutting

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Im sorry.  I didnt mean to keep the writing this long and ik that some of u beans rlly wanted the next chapter.  My teachers at school found out about my self harming and my head teacher (basically principle) talked to me.  After the talk i just felt worse and cut even deeper in the school bathroom.  I bled a lot but i managed to not get noticed when i held some toilet paper on my cuts.  Ive been feeling pretty shitty since then but writing does help me out, idk why i even left it this long.  Im being stupid,  enjoy anyways <3

Sean's POV

He practically pinned me to the couch as his tongue began to slither into my mouth.  I pushed him of me as he rolled of the couch and landed onto the floor, "what the fuck mark!!?", I yelled. "Whaaaatt", He slurred, once again.  I rolled my eyes, "You just fucking pinned me to the couch!", I shouted louder. "Opps?", He said with a giggle. "Fuck you!", I shouted as i pushed past him.  "Awww, come ooonnnn.  Dont be such a assss", he said as i walked out of the living room.

I walked into Melanie's kitchen.  It was pretty big.  With black and white tiles placed diagonally.  She had white marble counters and a clean metal sink with black cupboards around the room.  It had a white washing machine and tumble dryer with a big black oven.  I noticed she had 3 black stools in front of a counter.  I grabbed some water and sat down on the stool, clearing my head a little as i sipped the water.  

I was then , of course, interrupted by Mark.  Stumbling into the kitchen.  "Mark! Piss off you drunk!", I growled.  "Your being a asshooollleee", He said.  "Your being the asshole!", I shouted back.  "How am iiiii.  Im just trying to have some fuuunnn babbbyyy", He said as he walked, unsteadily, towards the stools.  

he wrapped his arms around my waste and began sucking on my neck.  I elbowed him off me, "Fuck off!", I yelled.  "Jaaaccckkk!", He shouted desperately.  "I thought we were gonna have some fuuuunnn!", He said.  "It was fucking fun! Until you wrecked our fucking prom night! Your being such a ass!", I yelled.  "Im the ass?!", He shouted back.

"You said it", I told him.  "Fuck off!", He replied.  "Okay, i will!", I said as i walked out the kitchen and straight out the front door, into the pouring rain, "Jaccckkkk!! Your so annoooying", Mark shouted out the door as i began walked quickly down the road, my shirt and tie getting soaked, "Aw shit! I didnt bring my tux jacket!", I told my self as i hurried home in the rain. 

Time skip - Jack gets home

I rushed through the front door, quietly so i didnt wake my mum up.  I hurried into the bathroom as soon as i walked into the house.  Time to find my good old friend.  I scrambled around a cabinet in the bathroom until i finally found it.  A small metal box that was latched shut.  I opened it and saw my three blades, bloodstained from the years they helped me.

(Trigger warning - self harm and depressing thoughts)

I took out a blade and pressed it deeply into my skin.  He's right, i am a asshole.  Im am annoying, a annoying fuck up! Worthless! Useless! I thought to myself as the blade cut through my old scars.  He never wanted you! He just wanted sex!  Who wants a useless scum like you! The voice in my head began to scream in my head.  "No! Shut up!", I shouted.

I put the blade away and held a tissue to my arm, sliding down the door, tears rolling down my face and i sat on the cold floor.  I sat there all night, crying.  Eventually falling asleep in tears, against the bathroom door. 

Hope u liked it! The next chapter will hopefully be out soon! Bye beans <3

Stay alive and Stay happy...


Pleas stay happy.  Love you guys, thanks so much.  Your amazing, please stay alive but most importantly, while ur alive.  Stay happy.  Dont live your life in sadness.  If you think no one else cares then, i do, Markiplier does, Jack does, Pewds does, Ethan does, Tyler does, Amy does (Even if she is just Marks editor and possible girlfriend..... tbh its not official, he has just said that she edits, lmao), Katherine does (even if she does just edit for Mark), Wiishu does (Even if he is just Jack's gf), everyone does. <3


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