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I stared at the spitting image of my husband; his blond curls catching the rising sun peeking at the drawn curtains making them appear gold in the dimly lit room.

"Jacob," I pushed open the curtains to let more light shine on his room. The sight of it overwhelm me. What with the light sabers shining green as it caught light, a couple of batman action figures littering the floor with his lego blocks and the new addition to his toy paradise--lightning McQueen.

I shook my head in exasperation. Well, what do you expect of a billionaire's child? He would grow spoiled rotten like tomatoes.

Making my way near the bed, I slipped on a toy car and nearly cussed out loud. I thank my lucky stars as I gripped on the poster of the bed to support myself up. "JACOB," I whispered on his ear, annoying him as my voice tickle him which also made him turn and say, "Mommy go away..."

Although he looks so cute and adorable right now, he still need to wake up right at this moment to prepare for his first day of school. Leaning closer, I said once again, "Carlos Jacob, are you forgetting something, my darling prince?"

With that, he faced me, his blue eyes shining as he frown. "Are we going to see Gran Pau and Gran Annie?"

I shook my head at him as he guess. "Visit Aunt Nee?"


"Watch movies then buy a toy?"


He sighed, before he suddenly bolt up, almost knocking me over. I waited a moment for him to answer.

"Are we going to Itly again with Daddy?" I just sat there, gaping at my son. In a matter of few seconds, the little imp suddenly erupted with laughter, his little hands capturing my awed face as he say, "Mommy, I'm just kidding!" He jump off of his bed and pulled at my hand.

"Come, I wanna go to school right now and meet my classmates. I will play batman with them!" With the ever demanding trait he got from his dad, Jacob pulled me off from his bed and drag me to the bathroom.

It doesn't take long for him to bathe and change into his uniforms but our biggest problem is: his hair.

"Why is my hair like this?" He complained, tapping at his curls as he tried to tame them down. "They look like snakes. Mommy, help me!" He rushed unto my side and I sigh, pulling a beanie from his drawer.

I fit the beanie on his head and smooth a few curls down on the side of his hair. "You need a haircut, baby so your hair won't look like snakes."

"But I love my hair, " He muttered, his hands still busy trying to put the rest of his hair inside the beanie.

I assisted him on putting on his shoes before we went out of his room to the stairs. I stop short when suddenly, he was tugging at my shirt. "Mommy mommy" he pouted, his lower lip sticking out as he raised his hands, asking for me to carry him down.

I crouch down and carry him up. Boy, he was heavier than I thought! While descending down the stairs, I told him how he shouldn't act like a baby anymore and let me carry him all the time because what if I am having his baby brother-he insisted for it to be a boy- right now?

I tried to explain to him as simple as possible but he was a child, he won't understand most of it. I sat him on his favorite chair and uncovered his breakfast which is-blue pancakes. He love the colour blue and Gabriel loves them too, which is why I prepared it today.

I put the maple syrup in a bowl and let it slide across the counter, greeting the new maid as she scurry off back on the living room. "Lily looks funny!" Jacob said as he rolled his pancake and dip it on the maple syrup.



"Mommy, tell Taylor I don't wanna goooooo. Please mommy. Please take me!" Jacob pulled at my dress, making a rip appear on the side as his little fist tighten themselves on the hem. His hair that is previously tucked neatly beneath his beanie has set free and is now dripping with sweat.

"Sir Jacob--"

"No!" Jacob pushed Taylor's hand away and continue his earlier plea which includes a lot of tears. "I DON'T WANNA GO TAY-TAY. I WANT MOMMY TO TAKE ME!!!"

I close my eyes and counted one to ten. It would have been easier if Gabriel is here with us right now to take Jacob to school since I have to attend a very important conference in the university concerning my possible recruitment to teach the basics of art. I really wanted to go now but Jacob was delaying me and another thing is that, I cannot bear to see him like this. My little darling prince.

I took another look at my son and at Taylor who tried very hard to pry his little fingers off my dress. Jacob was now lying on the floor of the limo, still pulling my dress as Taylor tried to grab him from the driver's side, his little stature keep wriggling as he cried. He is strong for his age. We are now attracting a crowd as Jacob continue bawling. I tried to close the door and get back in but I am already running late for the conference. I am already out of the limo, with only the hem of my dress inside as Jacob pathetically pulled at it.


That did it, I look back at Taylor and instructed him to let go of Jacob. The little imp stood from the floor of the limo and out on the open, glaring at the students who are looking at us with pure and utter curiosity.

He deepened his frown and hid behind my skirt as I started to half run inside the building, balancing my bag on my other shoulder as I pulled a sweaty and teary Jacob.

We are about to ascend the stairs when Jacob asked for me to carry him, making me sigh in exasperation. As I was about to take a step, a guy knocked me over which really made me boil. I raise my head only to see him there, smirking.

"Having trouble with the West, are we?"

"DADDY!" Jacob raised his hands as he squealed, making me let go of him. He ran to his father's arms and Gabriel held him like it was the most natural thing in the world. Gabriel showered him with kisses as I made my way to him, his hands engulfing me in before he said, "I talked with your supervisor to let you go for the day. He agreed of course but told me about you having to arrive here early tomorrow as to make up with today." He lean in and kiss me passionately, making Jacob squeal again. Gabriel just laughed as he look at my cherry red face, "You look adorably cute, Mrs. West"

Oh well, the West and their flirty ways.

"What are you waiting for, Mrs. West?" He held my hands and I playfully flicked his ear, earning a giggle from Jacob who is now settled comfortably in Gabriel's arms. We made our way out of the University and I was shocked when suddenly, Taylor was off. Gabriel lead us to his car and strapped Jacob on the back.

"This is all your plan, you cow." I muttered but he caught it, laughing at me as he stir us out of the parking lot.

"And I love you too, Elle. I love you too..."


"Mommy," we watch as Jacob stood there on the doors of his classroom, his batman bag strapped on his back, his teacher beside him trying to pull him inside. "Daddy."

"Jake--" I held Gabriel's hand and shook my head. "Jacob, what did you tell me awhile ago, baby? Don't you want to meet you classmates? You like to play batman with them too, right?"

He shook his head, before a very fat tear slid from eyes and down to his chubby cheeks. He sniffed, making my heart broke. "Elle, love, maybe we should just take him tomorrow--?"

"No, Gabe. You are making him dependent. We have to make him see that he could face this on his own…" I whispered at Gabriel while I stare at our son. "MOMMY.”

"No baby. You have to go in, now." I said, my voice breaking as I look at him. "We will wait for you here. As soon as your class is finish, we'll go buy new toy, yeah?" Gabriel finishes, making Jacob wipe his cheeks and look up at his teacher.

"It is true, Jacob. I promise you, we will have a lot of fun today!" His teacher held his hand and I watch him go inside the colorful room full of little billionaires.


"Daddy, is it true that batman's parents died in an accident?"

Gabriel frown, looking at me before he said, "Not sure about that, Jake. I'll try to search it for you. Why did you ask?

Jacob nodded before adding, "It's just, Benjamin, my new friend. He told me that he is like batman. Alone. His parents died when he was still three. He is living with his uncle now."

Hearing this come from a little boy broke my heart, I turn to Jacob and said, "Why don't you ask Benjamin to go with us? We're going to treat him ice cream." Jacob look at me before shaking his head.

"I told him so but he said, he has piano lessons. I'm glad I don't have piano lessons. He told me that his piano teacher is very strict, hitting his hands with stick.'

"That's very cruel." I whispered, running my fingers on Jacob's curls as Gabriel unlocked the car. I carry Jacob and strap him on his car seat. I was about to lock the doors when suddenly, a little girl with wild red hair and face full of freckles came bounding in, "Hello Carlos Jacoby." She look at me and Gabriel before saying, "Hello mommy of Jacoby and you too, daddy of Jacoby, my name is Piper Ysel Lee”

Jacob's eyes turn wide as saucers before he struggled on his seat, reaching for the doors. "Jacoby please!"

Piper stuck her shoes on Jacob's door and smiled, missing four front teeth. Geez, someone loves chocolates and candies. "I just want to give this to you!" She held out her hand and in them are dragonflies and little bits of nerds.


Piper just look at Jacob and me before her face scrunched up as her eyes become teary. She ran and dove under the bushes. I look at Jacob and undo his straps, carrying him out of the car and said, "That's very bad, my prince. Say sorry to Piper."

"But I don't want her. I hate her! She keeps on following me and she is weird." Jacob cross his arms but Gabriel undo them as he make his son look him in the eye. "Your mommy is right. She just want to make friends with you. You should say sorry to her."

With that, Jacob nodded, trying to find Piper from under the bushes. Waiting for him to get far enough of earshot, I whispered to Gabriel, " I think, I'd have to make arrangements for our son's wedding." Gabriel just chuckled.

We watch Jacob cringe as he stood there with Piper gushing over candies and dragonflies.


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