Chapter 3 : In Their Dorm

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All of you were extremely surprised with that sudden honk.

"That's our manager! Hide!" Baekhyun whispered panickly.

Your mind tried to process about it before you quickly ran and hid behind a huge wall.

The black car stopped as a middle-aged man came out of the car. You could tell from his face that he was exhausted. Maybe he was having a hard day.

"Sorry guys for making you wait too long. The traffic was terrible!" he apologized right when he arrived in front of them.

"Ohh, it's fine, manager-nim. We understand," Suho smiled.

There was silence between them before Baekhyun decided to speak.

"Manager-nim, can we drive by our own today? I mean, you need to rest because your face is uhm-- very pale. You don't have to drive us to the dorm."

Their manager gave them a confused expression, "Drive by your own? This is the first time you want to drive by yourself and let me go home. Are you sure?"

"Yes, we're sure." Baekhyun tried to assure him again.

The man raised an eyebrow before nodding his head. "Okay.., then have a good rest tonight. We have a lot of schedules tomorrow, I'll pick you guys up by 9 a.m."

A relieved smile was formed on Baekhyun's face. "Thank you, manager-nim. You too, have a good rest."

The others repeated his words and bowed several times as their manager got back in to his car.

They waited patiently until their manager drove off, and relieved a sigh as he was out of sight.

Sehun turned his back and looked at your way. "Yah! Come out, he's gone!"

You came out slowly from the back of the wall, feeling pressured with all their attention on you.

You gave them an apologetic face. "I'm sorry, you guys have to lie to your manager because of me."

"Hey, it's fine," Kyungsoo smiled. "Don't worry too much about it."

"Besides, we're not completely lying to him. We really want to help him by letting him to go home early," Chen added.

"You haven't answered me by the way. What's your name?" Xiumin asked again, trying to change the topic.

You smiled shyly. "My name is Y/N. I'm 17."

"Nice to meet you Y/N!" Chanyeol beamed.

"Oh you're only a year younger than our maknae!" Lay smiled.

You took a glance at Sehun, the maknae, and he unexpectedly gave you a playful wink.

You blushed because of his sudden act.

"Okay, we need to hurry now," Suho announced before looking at you. "Since there are many bodyguards outside our dorm, we will try to hide you and surround you."

"Is this really fine?" you asked again, still not sure whether everything would be alright since everyone knows that bringing a fan inside their dorm is strictly prohibited.

Baekhyun flashed you a warm smile. "It's going to be fine, Y/N. Trust us."

You smiled and nodded your head. "Thank you, guys."

You all then walked to the mini bus since they have a total of 9 members. They usually used 2 mini-vans, but since the drivers were absent today, the manager decided to use just one vehicle, which is a mini bus.

You were still hesitating to go in. No matter what, you couldn't deny the fact that EXO was there to bring you to their dorm. It was.. unbelievable.

The Unexpected Destiny ~ Byun Baekhyun [BBH] ✔Where stories live. Discover now