Chapter 7 : A Memorable Day (2/2)

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You all were done with the chair swing and decided to take a rest for a while at the benches nearby.

"Do you guys wanna buy anything? Like drinks or snacks?" Jinyoung asked.

"I want an ice tea, oppa!" you ordered.

"Okay come with me!" Jinyoung said.

"Nae~" you stood up and followed him.

Suddenly, someone grabbed you wrist and you turned to see who was it.

"Buy me a cold strawberry juice please!" Baekhyun asked you with his puppy eyes.

"Okay.." you said.

"Does any of you want something? I'll buy it," you offered everyone.

No reply.

"Okay then. They're ignoring me.. They just care about their phones!" you groaned as you ran to Jinyoung who was already far away.

"Oppa! Wait for me!" you shouted at Jinyoung as you were running towards him.

Jinyoung turned to you and grinned, "No need to run like that."

You and Jinyoung finally spotted a stand that sell drinks. Both of you went there and ordered what you want.

"A big cup of cola with less sugar please!" Jinyoung ordered.

"I want a small cup of ice tea and cold strawberry juice!" you ordered and the cashier nodded.

A few minutes later, the girl gave both of you the drinks.

When you were about to pay, Jinyoung already gave the money to the cashier.

"I'll pay for you.." Jinyoung smiled which made you blushed.

You both then came back to the benches where the others were sitting and handed the strawberry juice to Baekhyun.

"Hereee.. Your strawberry juice!" you handed him the juice.

"Yeeeey STRAWBERRY IS THE BEST!!" Baekhyun shouted happily.

Taehyung, who was playing with his phone all the time, looked up and turned to Baekhyun, hearing the word 'strawberry'.

"STRAWBERRY?!? Where do you get it? I WANT!!" Taehyung said as his eyes widened.

"Ask her! She bought it for me," Baekhyun pointed at you and drank the juice happily.

"Y/N-ah! Why don't you buy for me too?" Taehyung asked you, wishing that you would also buy one for him.

"I asked you guys just now if any of you want anything but you didn't even looked up from your phone!" you argued.

"Really? You asked? I didn't hear.. Can you go there again and buy one for me?" he pleaded with his puppy eyes.

"I don't want to. It's your fault for not listening to mee.." you stucked out your tongue playfully.

"You meanie! Kookie-ah, let's buy a drink together!" Taehyung turned to Jungkook, who's playing with his phone from before.

"Go by yourself, hyung! I'm playing!" Jungkook replied without even looking at him as his eyes were stuck at the screen.

"Aiishh! Fine!" Taehyung said as he stomped to the drink stand.

You giggled at his cuteness and pulled a chair next to Baekhyun.

"Does it taste good?" you asked Baekhyun.

"Mmm.." Baekhyun nodded while smiling.

He suddenly stopped drinking and turned his head to you.

The Unexpected Destiny ~ Byun Baekhyun [BBH] ✔Where stories live. Discover now