Chapter 8 : Fun

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You all finally arrived at the ride you were talking about after being lost for several times.

"Yesss finally we're here!!" Jaehyun said happily.

"Come on let's go in!! Hurry!!" Taehyung pulled Jungkook and Baekhyun.

You all went in through the door and you could already felt the cold air inside.

"Woah it's so cold here! Right??" you said a bit louder so everyone could here.

But no one even listened to you because they were already too excited to play.

"Again they ignored me!" you mumbled, feeling a bit annoyed.

All of you went two by two to the cars and you were with Baekhyun.

In front of you were Taehyung and Jungkook, and behind of you were Jaehyun and Jinyoung. Sehun was already in front as he wanted to go by himself.

"Please put on your seatbelts!" the girl who was standing there said.

The game started and the round car started to move. You saw monsters appearing and you tried to shoot them as many as possible.

"Y/N-ah turn the car to the left! There are so many there!" Baekhyun told you as you turned the controller to the left. The car turned and you started to shoot the monsters again.

"Kookie-ah!! Shoot moreee!! We're going to losee!!" Taehyung whined as he tried hard to shoot all the monsters.

"Tae, you shot less monsters than me! Look at the points!" Jungkook complained as he pointed to the screen.

Taehyung ignored him as he was focusing on shooting.

Finally after a few minutes, the game ended and you went out of the car.

"So who's the winner?" Baekhyun asked the man who was supposed to give the gift to the winner.

"Sorry, none of you win! The winner is that guy!" the man pointed at Sehun, who was jumping in excitement, holding the panda doll.

"Nooo I was supposed to get that!!" Taehyung whined as he ran to Sehun.

"Sehun hyung... Can you give that to me?? I'll give you something later on," Taehyung asked with his puppy eyes.

"Noo, this is minee.. It's so hard to get this you know.." Sehun replied.

You played several more games and realized that it was almost 4.

"Let's get back to the place Suho oppa told us to!" you said and Baekhyun groaned, as he wanted to play more games.

All of you arrived at the place 10 minutes before 4 and decided to wait for the others.

Finally, all of them were back at exactly 4.

"Tao hyung! I got a panda doll!" Sehun ran to him as he showed him the doll.

Tao's eyes widened "Give me that!! I wanttt!!"

Tao chased over Sehun, trying to get the doll while Sehun was running as fast as he could.

"Guyss!! There will be a show in 15 minutes so let's go there together!" Suho informed.

"What show?" Jimin asked.

"First we watch Dolphin Show then at 5 we'll watch Light Show!!" Suho said happily.

"YESS LET'S GO!!" Taehyung jumped in excitement.

All of you arrived at the show right before the show started. The dolphin attractions made you really amazed. You said "wow" every time the dolphin did something cool.

The Unexpected Destiny ~ Byun Baekhyun [BBH] ✔Where stories live. Discover now