Chapter 5 : Shocked

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"Wait can you guys please tell me where are we going?" Baekhyun asked as he stepped inside the mini bus.

When you were all in the bus, Chen finally answered Baekhyun's question, "Yah, Byun Baekhyub. Did you forget about the request we made to our manager last month?"

Baekhyun blinked a few times, looking at Chen with an extremely confused expression.

"Ugh, Baek! I can't believe you forget about it. We were all so excited last time when our manager finally agreed!" Lay said.

It took his brain a few seconds to process before he finally widened his eyes. "OH MY GOSH I REMEMBER NOW!"

"What do you remember?" Kyungsoo asked, making sure.

"We are going to the theme park right?? With the others!" Baekhyun exclaimed happily.

"FINALLY!!" everyone said in unison.

You got confused with what they were talking about. You wanted to ask but was still hesitating.

"Uhm guys," you called out, and their attention immediately went on you.

"If you're going to theme park, aren't your fans will surround you? And you guys won't be able to ride on anything?" you asked carefully.

Xiumin chuckled, "Y/N-ah, of course we all know that too."

"So we asked permission from our agency to rent the theme park for us as a reward for finishing our world tour last few months!" Kai exclaimed.

"Oh wow that's so.. COOL!" you looked at them happily but soon your expression changed. "But uhm, I'm not joining you guys, right..?"

"Do you want to join us or not?" Baekhyun asked you teasingly.

"Well-- of course as a fan of you guys, who wouldn't want to? But like who am I to have the rights to enjoy your rewards to and even spend a day with--"

"Okay you're coming with us," Suho cut off your line.

"Huh?" your brain was still processing the whole thing.

"You're joining us," Kyungsoo remarked.

"To--to the theme park?" you asked again.

"Yes, to the theme park," Lay smiled.

"No way- I must be dreamin--"

"This is reality, Y/N. No dreaming," Chanyeol said.

"So.. WA--WAIT! I'M COMING WITH YOU GUYS?! REALLYYY?!" you immediately stood up from your chair.

"OH MY GOSH. YES, Y/N, YES!" Sehun shouted in annoyance. "You. Are. Coming. With. Us. GET IT?"


You couldn't say your line when the bus suddenly jumped due to the big bump on the road. You lost your balance and was ready to feel sorry for your ass when someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him.

You turned your head to the right and saw Baekhyun smiling sweetly at you.

"Next time be careful, honey."

And your heart exploded right at that time.


The ten of you finally arrived at the theme park. The weather was nice, it was not sunny, but not cloudy as well. It was just perfect.

You were feeling extremely happy but nervous at the same time as you were about to spend your day with the idol you've been adoring for years.

Just when you were focusing on your thoughts, your eyes caught a glimpse of 3 familiar guys walking towards you and the members.

The Unexpected Destiny ~ Byun Baekhyun [BBH] ✔Where stories live. Discover now