Chapter 4 : Getting Closer

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You slowly opened your eyes when you heard your phone ringing continuously.

Letting out a lazy groan, you reached for your phone. However, before you could pick it up, your phone stop ringing and buzzing.

Just then your eyes widened when you saw 9 missed call from your mom.

"Oh sht, oh sht!" you cursed under your breath. "I forgot about eomma."

Taking a deep breath, you decided to call her back.

"YAH, Y/F/N!! WHERE ARE YOU?! WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER MY CALL?!?" she yelled the moment you put your phone next to your ear.

"Eomma, it's freakin 1 in the morning," you whined. "Don't shout please."

"You're still complaining now? You better answer my questions right now before--"

"I'm in my friend's house," you cut her line. "You're taking too long, eomma. I was freezing outside while waiting for you."

She sighed. "I'm sorry, honey. The traffic was really bad. But why didn't you answer my call, hm?"

"It was late at night. I was so tired so I immediately go to sleep."

"Okay, sleep well," her voice finally sounded sweet. "What time are you going to come back home tomorrow?"

"I want to hangout with my friends so can I come back home at around 7 p.m?"

"Sure, don't be late though. I'll cook dinner for you."

"Okay, good night, eomma."

After you hung up the phone, you tried to sleep again but unfortunately, you couldn't.

You sighed and decided to go out of your room. It was very dark and silent outside.

Turning on the light, you started to wonder around. "What should I do now?"

You shrugged and decided to just sit on the sofa before turning on the TV.

You gasped and jumped when the volume of the TV was at its highest volume. Your finger quickly moved on the remote to lower down the volume.

"Aish, how can they forgot to lower down the volume when they finished watching?" you muttered.

"Oh sorry," said a voice behind you.

Again, you flinched and accidentally threw the TV remote. You turned around to see Baekhyun standing there with a cute blue pajama. He was rubbing his eyes, feeling sleepy.

"You shocked me!" you held your chest, calming yourself down.

He chuckled and with a hoarse voice, he asked. "Why are you watching this late? You should be sleeping right now."

You sighed softly, "My mom called me just now, and I couldn't sleep anymor after that. So I decided to watch TV. Why are you awake?"

"I suddenly felt thirsty just now so I went to the kitchen to drink. But the loud sound shocked me," Baekhyun answered, now fully awaked.

"Oh sorry. When I turned on the TV, it was already so loud," you grinned..

"It's okay," he replied as he walked to the sofa you were sitting on and sat beside you.

"So, what did your mom say?" Baekhyun asked.

You glanced at him and positioned yourself.

"She asked me where I am and why I didn't answer her call," you answered honestly.

Baekhyun seemed to be shock a bit. "Then what did you say to her? You didn't say that you're in our dorm right?"

"Of course not! I lied to her. I said that I'm in my friend's house and I promised her I'll be back home at 7 p.m. tomorrow."

The Unexpected Destiny ~ Byun Baekhyun [BBH] ✔Where stories live. Discover now