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Joe and I slept most of the plane ride back to New York. I couldn't remember the last time that I'd actually gotten a good night's sleep. I'd been sleep walking through the last few days, but somehow I'd survived it all.

I lay my head on Joe's shoulder. "We're here," I whispered. He opened his eyes slowly. "Have a good nap?"

"I dreamt we were going on vacation." He smiled. His eyes still drooped sleepily.

I kissed him on the cheek. "A vacation sounds amazing. But, we should probably get through this debriefing first." He shuttered. I waited for Joe to get out of his seat, before following after him.

There was a car waiting to take us to the SS Headquarters. We were escorted up to my father's office. I noticed some of the staff had changed. I was almost surprised by how normal this all felt.

Major Klemm was outside the door. He nodded when he saw me. "Obergruppenführer Smith asked to see Mr. Blake first." I fought back an eye roll, but took a seat in the waiting room.

"How're the kids?" I asked Elisabeth, the secretary. I ignored Klemm's pointed stare.

"Oh they're just wonderful, Miss Smith," Elisabeth gushed. "Astrid is going to Hamburg to study in the fall."

"That's great. I'm sure she'll love it." She glanced over at Major Klemm out of the corner of her eye, and then back at me. I sighed and finally turned toward him. "What?"

"It's just, you're-"

"Very happy to be back in New York," I cut him off, giving him my best threatening look while Elisabeth was looking down.

"Of course, we've all been anxious for your return."

The door to my father's study opened and Erich stepped out. "Obergruppenführer Smith would like to see you now." I sighed, relieved to escape this awkward encounter. Klemm watched me, slightly wide-eyed, as I walked by. It took all my effort not to smack him, this was worse than the blatant disrespect.

"Joe tells me you have news," my father said, standing up. I sighed and held out my hand, the little diamond caught the light. "I'm happy for you both." I raised an eyebrow, but held my tongue.

"I promised mother that she would be the first person I told," I said after a moment.

"Well, you didn't tell me, Joe did," he pointed out. "I'll pretend to be surprised when Helen tells me." I found myself smiling conspiratorially with him. It felt like old times. Then I remembered why it felt so wrong.

"I wrote up my statement on the plane, to save you the trouble." I tossed the folder onto the coffee table, instead of putting it in his hand.

My dad put his hand on my arm. "Charlotte, I know we had a bit of a disagreement, but know that-"

"You were going to let Joe die." I shook his hand off. "That's more than a disagreement." I crossed my arms, knowing full well I probably looked like a pouty teenager.

"The prosperity of the Reich comes before the life of one citizen," he reminded me. "You know this, Athena."

"Oh, please. Do not "Athena" me right now. There is a line, and you crossed it the moment you sent me with Joe." I stepped toward him. "I would never put someone I love in unnecessary danger. Could you say the same?"

Joe looked between the two of us, as if he were prepared to duck and cover. "Charlotte, you will not-"

"Athena is taking a break," I said, cutting him off.

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