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The two-day stay in Berlin passed rather quickly. I still wasn't ready to face my family, but I couldn't avoid them forever. It had been just over a week since I set Project Chameleon into motion. I was already eager to see if my assets had made any progress with their marks.

Joe and I stood outside of the Hotel Adolphus waiting on our taxi. It was a murky rainy day. I hugged Joe for warmth. He pressed his cheek against my head and laughed quietly. "Josef?" Martin called, interrupting the moment. We both sighed. "I was informed you were leaving."

"Are you here to stop me?" Joe asked. I let go of Joe, but he kept his hand firm on my waist.

Martin shook his head. "No, no, I won't force you to stay. But, there's something you need to see before you go."

"Our plane leaves at three," I informed him.

"I'll drop you at the airport after," Martin assured. "I can't let you leave without knowing the truth, Josef. You deserve to know it."

A blonde girl in a bright blue coat darted in front of Martin. "Joe, I thought that was you!" She looked between us, her blue eyes sparkling. "Oh, you must be Charlotte! Joe mentioned you. I can see why he was so anxious to return to New York."

Martin smiled at the other blonde. "Ah, Ms. Becker, perhaps you could keep Ms. Smith company while I speak with my son?"

Her brows furrowed but she nodded. "Of course, I know the best café around the block. Do you like coffee?"

"Who doesn't?" I looked up at Joe. "Meet you at the airport at three?" He nodded. I kissed him on the cheek and he finally released me. I gave Joe and Martin one last worried glance before following the other woman around the corner.

The café was cute. It had matching mint colored tables and a pastry case fit for a king. It felt as fancy as the hotel we'd just left. It was definitely a step up from the café in Pittsburg where I met Henry. "I'm Nicole by the way," she said. We stepped under the café's awning and she flagged down a waiter. "Joe and I met at one of Martin's parties last week." She snapped open her cigarette case and held it out to me.

I lit my cigarette and took a drag. "The party that almost convinced Joe to leave Berlin," I deduced.

"Did Martin send for you?" She asked as we were seated. "Joe was so set on going back to New York. I thought for sure that was the last I'd seen of him."

I shook my head as I scanned the menu, though I knew I'd just order a black coffee. "I decided to fly over. Perfect timing too, any later and we would've missed each other." Nicole and I ordered our coffees and made small talk while we waited.

"So what do you do in New York?" She asked, resting her elbows on the table.

"I'm a nurse," I told her. "At least I think I still am, I'm a little unsure of my employment status at the moment."

She laughed. "Hey, I know how it is. We're living in a man's world, and you're getting married. Everyone expects you to retire, right?"

"Not exactly." I leaned back in my chair. "My dad was never all that thrilled about me getting married. He actually did everything in his power to prevent it. I guess he thought he was protecting me from myself. He always wanted something more for me." I sighed. "I love my job, I never planned on giving it up. But if I do, it'll be because he pushed me to it," I told her, no longer talking about nursing. "Sorry, don't wanna bore you with my daddy issues."

"Believe me, I know family drama." She leaned forward on her hands and looked at me. "Has anyone ever told you that you could be in the pictures?" I shook my head. "You should let me film you. You'd be a natural."

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