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I pushed back the window at the sound of a car pulling up. "She's here!" I whirled around and grabbed Joe's arm. He trailed behind me as we weaved through the house. I pushed open the door to reveal Nicole. She waved.

"I thought you didn't trust her?" Joe asked, raising an eyebrow.

"If I started avoiding everyone I didn't trust, you would be the only person I ever talked to," I told him. I walked up to the convertible and leaned on the door. "Thanks for coming, Nicole."

"I'm glad you called, I was afraid you two had left already." She motioned for me to get in. "Come on, we're going to be late."

"Late?" Joe asked.

Nicole smiled up at him. "For the party, of course! Everyone is excited to meet you both." I pulled on the door, and Nicole reached over to slide it back.

"Ooh, fancy," I said with a laugh. I motioned for Joe to get in first. It was a two-seater, so I was going to have to sit in his lap.

"This car is gorgeous," I told her, running my hand across the dash as I hopped in.

"Do you want to drive it?" She asked, eyes twinkling.

I grimaced. "No, no. I prefer to be driven," I told her. "I don't even have a license."

Joe squeezed my waist. "Lottie's high maintenance."

I leaned away from him to give him a look. Nicole laughed as she hit the gas. "I am so not high maintenance, stop lying." I took a ribbon off my wrist, and tied back my hair.

The front door flew open, and Silvia ran out. "Josef! Wait, come back!" She shouted after us.

"Go, go, go!" I urged Nicole. She sped out of the driveway and I watched over Joe's shoulder as Silvia stopped at the gate.

I wrapped my arms around Joe's neck and kissed his cheek. "Running away from home?" Nicole asked.

"Something like that," Joe said. Once we were out the neighborhood it got too loud for anyone to be heard over the wind. The view was gorgeous, though, so I didn't mind. Eventually the city disappeared from view as we entered the forest.

I heard the party before we emerged in the clearing. Good music spilled from the lodge. I let my hair down as Nicole parked. A girl in high-waisted shorts and a bustier walked by as I was opening the car door, two shirtless guys joined her. I felt overdressed.

"Who are these people?" I asked as I walked around the front of the car. My eyes landed on a couple that were sitting on a motorcycle and making out.

"The future of the Reich," Nicole said. "Just like us." She linked her arm through mine and pulled me toward the crowd. She led me to one of the picnic tables and poured a few glasses from a pitcher.

"What is that?" Joe asked.

"Poison," Nicole said deadpan. She took a swig. "Lemonade and gin, I believe." She handed us each a glass. "Are all New Yorkers this boring? Come on live a little! We're only getting started."

I took a big gulp from my drink. "Very heavy handed with the gin. Exactly what I look for in a Tom Collins."

Nicole looked at Joe as if to say, "See, Charlotte gets it!" He shook his head at me, but accepted the glass.

"Gisèle!" A man shouted, as we headed toward the building. "Wait, Gisèle!" Nicole frowned and glanced over her shoulder. The dark haired man pushed past her and stopped in front of me. "It is you, heiliger scheisse!"

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