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As I was leaving the hospital that afternoon, the receptionist handed me a card. Major Klemm had stopped by to deliver news from my father. Juliana Crane was in New York. I crumpled up the card and tossed it in the trash. I didn't even need to memorize the address. I knew it already. Juliana was staying in a women's dormitory near my parent's home. That was certainly not a coincidence.

The cab to the dormitory cost an arm and a leg, and it took almost an hour with all the traffic. It was mid-afternoon before I finally arrived. When I stepped out onto the curb, I almost ran right into my mother. "Oh, Charlotte! So glad you got a moment to come by!" She hugged me tightly and then went immediately for my hand. She turned it side to side, admiring my engagement ring. "Beautiful. I'm so proud of you."

"Juliana's inside?" I asked, cutting to the point.

She nodded. "Yes, apartment 6B. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see you. Your father told me that you met in San Francisco. Maybe you were the reason she looked here for asylum. It's a good thing she did, the poor girl."

I tried to smile, but I was sure it fell flat. I knew how much trouble we'd caused Juliana. Being here wouldn't save her from any of that, if anything it only made her life more dangerous. "I should get upstairs, I'd like to get home before dark."

"Of course, make sure she's settling in alright," my mother said concerned. "She's more likely to be honest with you." I frowned. That sounded like something my father would say. If he were trying to get information out of Juliana, he would expect that I could draw it out of her. I'd have to make sure she was careful.

I hugged my mother and then headed into the building. I knocked, but there was no answer. Juliana's door was unlocked, as was everyone else's. The crime rate in this neighborhood was practically nonexistent, at least according to my mother. She liked to remind me of that whenever she could. Neither of my parents approved of my apartment in Brooklyn.

"Juliana?" I called. She emerged from the bedroom and let out a squeak. "Sorry, I knocked but I wasn't sure if you heard."

"Lottie," she said. Then her eyes narrowed. "Smith, right? Your last name is Smith?"

"Yeah, it's a common name."

"He's your dad, isn't he? Obergruppenführer Smith?" I looked down at the floor. She lowered her voice. "You said he would kill Joe. But you and Joe-"

I sighed. "Believe me, Juliana. I know." I shook my head. "But, he's still my dad. And I'm willing to bet he let you stay here because of me." It wasn't precisely accurate. He let her stay for the information I could get out of her. But, I knew there were recorders in these apartments. I had to be careful how much I said.

"Do you want some tea? Helen just made a pot." I nodded. She walked over and poured two mugs. She brought me one and we sat down at the table.

I brought the mug to my lips, covering my next words from the cameras. "Did you tell them anything about, you know?" I asked quietly. Juliana shook her head subtly, taking the hint. "Good, good. He wouldn't have believed you anyway." I slowly looked up at the vents where I was certain the cameras had been placed. She followed my gaze and gave a short nod of understanding. "How's Frank?"

"He's okay," she said. "I hope he is at least."

I tried to give her a reassuring look, but I didn't think it helped. "Things can be good for you here, if you work hard. Just be careful whose eye you catch." I was precise with my wording. "They'll expect you to get married one day. These women's dormitories aren't meant to be permanent arrangements."

Juliana smiled nervously. I took another sip from my mug and her eyes zeroed in on my finger. "That's new." I smiled. "Congratulations. Is Joe around?"

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