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Joe flopped down onto the bed and I lay down next to him. "I've never been this tired in my life," I said. He laughed. "But last night was great, so it's okay."

"I hallucinated that all the taxidermy animals came to life." I burst out laughing. "It was fucking terrifying honestly."

"It's a good thing I was there to distract you from all the scary bears," I teased.

"You were a very good distraction," he said smirking.

I shook my head. "You were so funny, you wouldn't shut up."

"Oh, yeah. I remember all that," he told me, expression growing serious again. "I feel like I have all these new standards to live up to, now that I know you're Artemis. Like, I have to be a better version of myself, you know?"

"You don't," I told him. "You're exactly the person I want, just the way you are. If I didn't think you were a good person, or whatever, I'd be long gone."

He kissed my forehead. "I love you."

I smiled. "You said that a few times too." He smiled sheepishly. "They say that you're the most yourself on that stuff, so at least I know you really do love me."

Joe scoffed. "There was a question of that?"

"No, but...I mean, a girl can never hear 'I love you' enough." I glanced over at the suit Martin had left out for Joe with a wistful sigh. "Also, I would love to see you in that suit."

"We should probably head to the Chancellery," he admitted. "But I don't want to get up."

I pushed myself up on my elbows. "Oh, come on, I need to shower and change clothes anyway. I smell like gin."

He leaned over and took a whiff. "Wow, you're right, you smell like a bar."

"Shut up, you don't smell any better." I shoved him lightly.

He laughed. "We can save water if we shower together."

"Hmm, I think that's the kind of environmentalism Hans would approve of."


With each passing day, I felt us become more and more comfortable in this new life. How strange that we'd found our normal in the last place we would have expected it. I knew it was dangerous to feel so at home here. Berlin would always be a viper pit, but I let myself believe we were two of those snakes.

Joe and I sat with Martin under the portico while we ate breakfast. Silvia had continued the trend of preparing massive spreads, though we never even made a dent in the food. I looked out over the view, letting out a quiet sigh. I never imagined I would look at Berlin with this sort of fondness, but here I was. "I am so glad you've both settled in here," Martin said. I turned back around with a soft smile. "It has been so long since I had a family to share all this with."

"This place could definitely grow on me," Joe said. His fingers traced over my thigh under the table. I cast a smile in his direction.

"We have a bright future ahead of us," Martin said. "I cannot wait to share it with you."

"You mean Atlantropa?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He shook his head amused, hearing the judgment in my tone. "And so much more. Once we've perfected the face of the planet, we can turn our attentions to the stars. I assure you, our scientists are working tirelessly. We want to keep the universe running like a well-oiled machine. We only seek to improve, not destroy."

The way Martin spoke was so convincing; he almost had me sold on the entire thing. I nodded once, taking his opinion into consideration. He smiled. In a way, I felt like he enjoyed the challenge. Like my father, he didn't want someone who would bow to his every whim; he wanted people who had their own wits about them. Sheep did not make good leaders.

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