Chapter 1

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After 6hrs, we finally landed in Seoul Korea. My family and I decided to move to Korea because my father found a business opportunity here. Although I'm not that happy about the fact that I have to live in Korea from now on, but there's nothing I can do about it.

We came from Singapore, a non seasonal country. Even though it's only Autumn in Korea but my sister and I are almost freezing out there waiting for the car that we booked.

After waiting for more than 15 minutes, the car finally arrived. The moment we got on the car, my father start nagging all the way. I put on my earphones and fell asleep.

We arrived at a big bungalow, it's already super pretty from the outside. My sister and I quickly ran in and went to search for our room immediately. I went to my room and saw the room beautifully furnished. Everything is in blue, my favourite colour. I lied down on my blue queen sized bed and rolled around.

"Stop it and get ready for school already!" My mum shouted outside our rooms.

"What?!" My sister and I said the same thing and ran out from our separated room together.

"What what?" My mother said.

"We just arrived here and you want us to go to school already?" I whined.

"Of course. Do you know how expensive is the school fees?" We knew she won't give in no matter what we say so we eventually went to get ready.

We got ready in 20 minutes and went to school in our normal clothes as we didn't have any uniforms yet. We went to the office for registration before we go on our separated ways as she's in year 3 and I'm in year 2. I went in the class with my Homeroom teacher, Mr Kim. "Please introduce yourself." He said to me in his broken english because he probably thought I don't know Korean.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my korean name is Eunhyun. I'm from Singapore but I know simple korean. Hope we'll get along well!" I said and bowed to everyone.

The classroom setting is abit different from what we have in Singapore. The tables are arranged with 3 together, instead of 2. I wanted to sit with the 2 girls who was smiling at me but Mr Kim assigned me to the table where there's 2 guy. I sat down awkwardly in between them and smiled to them.

"Hi, I'm Chanyeol. I can speak korean to you right? I'm not good in english." He introduced himself in english and continued with Korean.

"Of course. But please let me know if I pronounce any word wrongly!" I said in korean.

"Annyeong, I'm Baekhyun." Another guy said.

"Ya- Baekhyun. How can you drop your honorific when you just met her." Chanyeol told him off.

"It's okay. I don't mind that." I said and smiled awkwardly.

Since it's only the first day of school, the teachers are mostly talking about the ground rules. I even fell asleep in class. The clock hit 12pm, our lunch break. My sister's lunch break is at a different timing as mine so I have nobody to eat with. I bought food and went to a empty table. While eating, I was texting my sister and telling her how awkward I am right now. Someone suddenly snatch my phone away. I look up and saw Baekhyun giggling.

"Give me back!" I said and chased him around. He stopped and lean onto the wall, holding my phone high up.

"Get it if you can." He smirked.

Although compared to many girls, I'm considered tall but obviously he is still taller than me. I keep jumping trying to get it. I step onto his feet and almost fell but luckily he pulled me just before I fall. His face was really close to me and my heart started beating really fast. I quickly push him away and tried to act normal.

"What are you doing omg." A deep voice came behind me.

It's Chanyeol. He walk towards Baekhyun and took my phone away from him. He gave it back to me with a smile before dragging Baekhyun away.

I went back to the table and saw an empty table. I guess the cleaner thought I didn't want it anymore and cleared it. I saw the long queue and guess who is lazy to queue again even when I'm dying of hunger.

Halfway through the next lesson, my stomach was growling loudly. Baekhyun and Chanyeol both heard it and Baekhyun kept making fun of me. I was like really dying of embarrassment. But because of Baekhyun's playfulness, I got closer to him even when its only the 1st day in school. He'll make fun of me or 'Bully' me whenever he get the chance to. Which sometimes makes me really annoyed.

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