Chapter 23

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We spend the days bickering with each other, creating more and more memories together. 3 months passed unknowingly. Today is our 3rd monthsary together.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Skii resort." He said excitedly.

"Omg really?! Is it the time for me to fall badly again?" I asked.

"I wanna go there before the winter ends. And yeah, to see you fall again too." He said and laughed.

"Such asshole!" I jokingly said.

"Just kidding. I want to hold you when you fall." He said.

We rent the equipments and quickly head to the beginner area to start. That time I actually learned abit but it's been too long since I last played so I kinda forgot everything. I fell so many times like I can't even count anymore.

I finally managed to climb all the way to the top and want to just slide down and fall. I push myself forward to slide down although I know that I would still fall later.

"Come~~" Chanyeol said and stood infront of me from below. Exactly the same like the previous time when I first fell.

"Pabo!!" I shouted from the top while sliding down.

I bumped into him and like the previous time, we rolled a few times before completely stopping. Again, he's on top of me.

"You're doing this on purpose." I said.

"Shhh, don't expose me." He said and move in closer to me. As his face get closer and closer to me, my heartbeat beats faster and faster.

Just like that, our first kiss at the skii resort. Our first kiss in this relationship, and also my first kiss of my life.

"You better not leave me in the future. You took my first kiss." I said.

"First kiss? Really?" He teased.

"Of course! Unlike you. Probably kissed so many girls." I joked and folded my arms jokingly.

"Ahhh don't be like this~~" him with his aegyo again.

Time passes by so fast unknowingly. The sky is already dark. We lied down on the snow ground and look at the stars together.

"I have something serious to tell you." Chanyeol said sternly.

"What? Omg please don't sound so serious. Are you gonna dump me after 3 months." I said.

"Yea." He said. I totally went speechless.

"I am so gonna dump you if we don't go for dinner now." Chanyeol said and started laughing after seeing my super worried face. He got up and ran away before getting hit by me.

"Asshole!" I stood up and chased him around. After so much running, we finally decide to head for dinner.

"Should we stay here tonight?" Chanyeol asked, pointing at the resort just right beside.

"Why would I spend the night here with you? Who knows what you'll do to me?" I said.

"Don't worry, I'm not that interested to do anything to you." He said and laughed.

"Bye. I'm going home." I said.

"You know that I'm just joking~~" he said.

"So does that mean you will do something to me?" I asked.

"Let's see then. If you even dare to spend the night with me here." He said.

"Why not? I'll make sure you die here if you dare to do anything." I said

"Your heart will hurt if I die." He said

"Ahem. Please do not flirt in the middle of the road." A random guy said when he walk past us.

"Your fault." I said and smack Chanyeol on his arm.

We got into the resort and put down our stuff. Chanyeol insist on cooking instead of eating out. So Chanyeol went out to buy all the ingredients so that he can cook while I took a bath.

"What did you buy?" I said, when he walk in from outside.

"Secret." He said with that cheeky smile.

He pushed me into the room while he cook because he don't want me to smell what he's cooking.

"Done!" He shouted outside the room. I came out and the smell of pork belly filled the whole room.

"Tadah! Your favourite!" Chanyeol said excitedly.

"Omg but I hate you. You know I'm on a diet." I said but still putting it into my mouth one by one.

"Don't you dare to lose any weight. I'll murder you. Stay as my chubby girl~" he said and I literally melted.

"Bullshit. Guys like girls who are skinny. And I'm not chubby, I'm fat. I'm overweight okay." I said.

"I want you to be severely overweight so no other guys will look at you." He said.

"N.E.V.E.R. I finally manage to lose 8kg over the last 3 months. Now you're gonna make me gain it back." I said.

"Yes, that's my goal for now." He said.

Yes, everyday we spent so much time bickering. But the more we do, the closer and the more we love each other.

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