Chapter 36

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//5 years later//

I worked at my father's company after I graduated last year. Chanyeol pursue his music career and is now a successful singer-actor even though he only debuted last year. He was casted by EXO'Planet Agency when he was in year 2 of college. He started his training which lasted for 2 years and debuted right away after he graduated from college. Things are getting tough each day for him and the more famous he gets, the more busy he is. Which means it's harder for us to spend time together. Even though he always tries hard to make time for me, we still barely see each other more than once every week.

"I just got home from the fanmeet, are you asleep already?" - Chanyeol

"Not yet. You must be really tired. Quickly go take a bath and sleep." - Me

"I'll go bathe first, will call you if you're not asleep by then alright?" - Chanyeol

After about 30minutes, he called.

Chanyeol : "Sorry, it's really late right?"

Me : "Don't say sorry. I know you're busy."

Chanyeol : "I have 3 photo shoot tomorrow, I think I will be free at night. Maybe you want to meet for supper?"

Me : "Won't you be really tired by then?"

Chanyeol : "It's alright. We didn't meet for almost a week already."

Me : "You're busy. I understand."

Chanyeol : "I can't express how thankful I am to have you here with me. What did I do in my past life to deserve such amazing girlfriend?"

Me : "HAHAHA stop with your cheesy-ness"

Chanyeol : "HAHAHA alright alright. How's your work?"

Me : "Hmm, kinda stressing. But the seniors help me a lot so- Hello? Are you there?"

Me : "Goodnight, Yeol-ah"

I said and hung up the call. I heard his snoring from the other side of the phone. He fell asleep again. He always so tired but still tries to talk to me. It makes my heartache for him. The next day, it's around 9pm, he called me.

Chanyeol : "My schedule just ended. Let's meet?"

Me : "Are you sure? You sound tired."

Chanyeol : "A little, but it's alright. I don't have any morning schedule tomorrow so I can sleep late."

Me : "I think it's better for you to rest. You should go home."

Chanyeol : "No, I'm okay. Let's just meet and have supper together."

Me : "No. I don't care, go home and rest."

Chanyeol : "But-"

Me : "No but."

Chanyeol : "Alright alright. I'll call you again?"

Me : "Okay."

"I actually want to see you badly, but I know you need to rest." I said, looking at our picture together and fell asleep slowly.

"Jagi?" Someone whispered. I opened my eyes and saw Chanyeol.

"Yeol? Why did you come?" I said, moving aside for him to lie on the bed too.

"Because you don't want to meet me, but I miss you so much. So I came." He said, jumping onto my bed and hugging me.

"Pabo. You went home and make your way here again when you can just sleep at home." I said.

"I can sleep here too. With you beside me make me sleep even better." He said.

"Fine fine. Rest well~" I said, lying on his shoulder. I watch him fall asleep first before sleeping.

The next morning, I woke up first and see him still sleeping soundly so I don't want to disturb him. I got out of my bed slowly and quietly.

"Mum, can I prepare breakfast today instead? I want to cook for Chanyeol." I requested. She agreed to me only making for Chanyeol because she don't want to get 'poisoned'.

I carried bowl of salad and and plate of sandwich back to my room, and saw him already awake, using his phone.

"Morning~" He said the moment he saw me walking in.

"Morning~ I prepared breakfast." I said while placing it on the side table. "I know you're working out recently so I made some healthy food." I continued.

"My girlfriend knows me the best~" he said. He got up to brush his teeth first then came back to eat together.

"Wait- don't you need to go to work today? It's already 10." He said.

"Pabo-ya. It's Saturday today." I said.

"Oh yeah. Hehe." He scratched his head and gave me that cheeky smile.

"Then should we go for a date today?! Since I only have schedule at night!" He said.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed excitedly.

We went to watch movie as it's in the dark, people won't notice Chanyeol. Because our relationship is kind of secretive so we have to be careful not to get found out by his fans or the reporters.

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