Chapter 13

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I sat on the bus, on my way to school and yawned like a million times. I should have slept early yesterday. I couldn't sleep and kept thinking about that boyfriend stuff and all.

Chanyeol's POV

I got onto the bus and saw the empty space next to Eunhyun. I quickly rush there to sit down before anyone else got the seat. She's sitting there with her eyes closed, didn't even notice me at all.

"Did you really try to become a panda?" I whispered.

"Did you really fell asleep?" I asked softly to her ears but no reply.

I slowly move her head to lean on my shoulder and covered her with my jacket.

We reached the stop at our school and I quickly woke her up. She got shocked and look so confused. And cute actually.

End of Chanyeol's POV

I just follow Chanyeol who is dragging me down from the bus and realised we reached already.

"Omg I almost missed the stop. When did you get on the bus?" I asked.

"When you fall asleep with your mouth wide opened." He laughed out loud.

"Shutup! How embarrassing omg" I covered my face.

"I'm just joking~ You look cute." He said and I kinda blushed a little.

"Stop joking around." I said and lightly smack his arms.

Just then Baekhyun called us from far and ran towards us. He kissed my cheeks right infront of Chanyeol.

I covered my cheeks and look at him with that shocked face.

"W-what are you doing?" I said.

"Let's go. We're gonna be late." Chanyeol said and walk forward without looking back at all.

Chanyeol became really quiet today. I saw him looking at us when Baekhyun tried to hold my hand or something but look away immediately when I look at him.

Baekhyun's POV

"Chanyeol-ah. Can you do me a favour?" I said.

"What?" Chanyeol said.

"Can I have lunch with Eunhyun later? Just the 2 of us." I said.

"Are you both officially together already?" He asked.

"Somehow. Although she said she's not really sure about her feelings. That's why I wanna spend time with her alone. I believe she'll be clear about her feelings soon." I said and thank him before running out of the class to look for Eunhyun.

"Where's Chanyeol?" She asked the moment she saw me alone.

"Uhhh- he said he got no appetite." I said.

"Really? Is he sick.." She said.

"You look like you care about him alot." I said.

"O-of course. We're friends. If its you, I'll be worried too." She tried to deny her special attention towards Chanyeol but not convincing enough.

"What do you want to eat? I'll buy for you." I changed the awkward subject.

"Anything." She said.

End of Baekhyun's POV

"Are you okay?" - Me

I send a message to Chanyeol right away. He replied me in less than 1 minute.

"Yea, I'm alright. Enjoy your lunch." - Chanyeol

"But you're not here. How do I enjoy?" - Me

"You have Baekhyun. Your boyfriend." - Chanyeol

"Stop with the boyfriend. It's weird and awkward." - Me

"You'll get used to it." - Chanyeol

"Are you sure you don't want to eat?" - Me

"No, it's alright." - Chanyeol

"Alright then. We'll eat faster and go back to the class." - Me

I was literally eating really fast. I went to buy a sandwich for Chanyeol when Baekhyun is still eating.

"Do you want to walk around the school before heading back? We still have some time." Baekhyun suggested.

"I think it's alright. I'm a little tired. I feel like going back to class and rest." I said and he agreed.

We got in the class and Chanyeol was sitting there alone with his head on the table.

"Are you okay?" I asked the moment I sit down. He lift up his head, look at me and slightly nodded.

"Eat this." I hand over the sandwich to him.

"Thank you." He let out a bright smile and start eating.

"Do you guys want to play basketball after school together?" I asked.

"Yes!" Baekhyun immediately shouted and Chanyeol nodded.

We changed into our school sports wear after school and borrowed basketball from the school.

I'm always losing to them because they're seriously too good at it. Baekhyun was dribbling the ball, I run over to snatch it from him but he accidentally pushed me so I fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?!" Chanyeol shouted and quickly come to me.

"I'm so sorry I was very focus on the ball. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Baekhyun rushed over too.

"Ya- Byun Baekhyun. It's just a game, not a match. Do you have to be so rough?! Plus she's a girl and your girlfriend." Chanyeol said and help me up to the benches at the side.

"Are you hurt?" He voice turn gentle unlike the him when he was talking to Baekhyun just now.

"Yea. I'm alright." I said with an assuring smile.

"I'll take care of my girlfriend myself. Mind your own business." Baekhyun came to us and reach out his hand to me. Signalling me to go with him.

In the middle of the both of them, I really don't know what to do. Baekhyun is my boyfriend, I should be on his side right? But at the same time I want to be on Chanyeol's side.

"Stop it. Don't you both think it's so childish?" I said and walk away on my own.

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