chapter 7 ~ don't move

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Ross, KJ and Jessamy.

Walking trough the forest, with only two people now, but KJ stole a gun from the camp.
"Hey Jessamy, do you know where Ross went?" "I think he went this way."
She points to the right, so they go there.
"So, how did you get in the place with the weird people?" asks KJ.
"Well, Tom got shot, so I went to the hospital with him. But then these three girls (Bri, Kaelyn & Jess) got Tom and me. They would take care of him, but instead they killed him and also took me. How did you two got there?"

"So, Ross and me left at night from the group, you know, El, Thom and the other. We left because we thought it would be saver. So we walked away, and the next night, we went to sleep somewhere in the forest. Only, we woke up in their camp, with bags over our heads. Then the next day you and Tom came, and now we escaped."
Jessamy and KJ continue their way to Ross.

The Hunters camp.

The group is still running to the fence of the camp, and the alarms are also still ringing. They hear two dogs barking from a distance.
"Just keep running guys!" says El.
The run is taking ages, well it looks like. They are getting closer and closer to the gate.
"We are almost there, keep going!"
Then they hear other people coming, these people are coming from the place where they are heading.
"Follow me!" says El.
She goes to the left, where the houses are.

Then they hear someone falling, Maddie looks behind her and it is Chandler.
"Leave without me, I will be fine!"
"No, I'm not leaving you behind Chandler."
"Maddie, come with us!" says Crish.
"Chandler, I love you. We will come back, don't worry."

The group runs further without Chandler, Maddie starts crying but keeps running.
"Where are we going El?" asks Mia.
"Well, eh.. I don't know, but stay together."
Shelby notices a small gap in the fence, the same one as where the other part of the group escaped. "There is a gap here, come!"
El goes trough first, Maddie second, Shelby third and Crish fourth.
"Is everyone here?" asks El.
"Eh, wait where is Mia??" answers Crish.

El looks trough the gap, she sees Mia with a gun to her head.
"Come back, or we kill her." says Brooke (The Hunters).
El looks behind, "we need to back."
Maddie, Shelby, Crish and El go back in the camp.
"So, what were you guys trying to do?" asks Brooke.
"Eh.. eh... we were.." answers El
"Trying to escape? That is not what we do here. We can be nice but not if you do stuff like this."
"We were locked in the house, what else do you expect us to do?" says Crish.
"And where is Chandler, do you have him?" asks Maddie.
"Hahaha, yes we have him. And we were locking you in the house for your own safety. You should've been thankful. Anyways, come back now or this girl and the guy are us."
Shelby decides to do something stupid, she goes back trough the gap and runs away.
"Quickly, someone go after her!" commands Brooke. "I will handle this!"
The other part of the group also tries to go trough the gap, but Brooke blocks it.

"You will be punished. Everyone, sit down, on your knees. Don't move."
Steven (The Hunters) brings Chandler back to the group, he points a gun at his head.
"So you choose who dies, the guy, or the girl." says Brooke.
"What the fuck!" says El.
Then someone else of The Hunters comes back,
"The girl, she escaped."
"Oh fuck, now they need more punishment for what they did." says Brooke.
Chandler looks at Maddie, he says "I love you, stay safe." Maddie looks back, and starts crying and tries to get to him, but The Hunter blocks her.

"I said, don't fucking move." says Brooke.
Brooke her finger goes to the trigger.
"I will spare you guys, and only kill one of them. After that, you all will get another punishment, because I am that nice.
Steven, shoot her!"
Mia gets shot trough her face, "I love you all." are her last words.
The group looks at her and all start crying real hard.
"And now you all are sad? You caused this, don't act like it was unexpected. Anyways, you guys can run now, but don't ever come back. And this guy here, you can go with them." says Brooke.
Maddie runs into Chandler's arms and hugs him. At the same moment, Crish and El go out trough the gap.
"Come on, you guys can hug after we left!" screams El.
Then Maddie and Chandler also go out quickly and they start running again. They also see Shelby, hiding in the bushes.
"Come with us, Mia is dead but we need to go!" says El, their leader.

the end

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