Chapter 5

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Harry's pov

I woke up with Jennifer by my side. I decided to let her sleep late, she needs rest. So I went to the kitchen making breakfast, but my phone rang.It was Ryan.

-Harry, good news. They called me from the Voice and they offered you a job for a mounth. You have to go, it's so important to your career.

-But what about Idol? What about you guys?

-Look, it's just a mounth. We will search someone who can be the 3rd judge .

-Ok Ry, I will think about it.

We hang up and I started to make breakfast.

Why do I have to leave when I get close to Jennifer?

Jennifer's pov

I woke up around 10 or 11 am. I found a piece of paper on the table.

I had to leave, I had something to do. Take care Jen, I will be back in a few hours.        Harry

So now I'm alone. What to do... I called my best fried Leah and we decided to hang out later. I get myself ready and I was ready to leave when my phone rang. Ryan...

-Hi Jen, what's up?

-Nothing, I was about to leave but why did you call me?

-I just wanted to ask you what do you think about Harry's decision?

-What? Ryan what are you talking about?

-Oh so he didn't tell you about it. He will leave for a mounth to be a judge on the Voice. And we have to find someone to be the 3rd judge.


-Calm down, it's just a month. I know you're best friends and you don't want him to leave but you can keep in touch, he won't leave forever.

-Ok, ok, you're right, thank you for calling me.

We hang up and I left. I need to talk about this with Leah.

Why does he have to leave when he's so close to me?

Harry's pov

I was on my way home from the meeting with the producer of the Voice. I decided to buy Jen a bunch of flowers. I still have no idea how will I tell her about this.

I arrived home but I can't find Jennifer. Where could she be. I called her.
Oh she met with her best friend. I mean one of her best friends...

I wanted to surprise her so I started to make lunch. It was almost done when she arrived. She had a serious look on her face. I think it's not the best time to tell her about my trip....

-Harry, is there something you want to tell me?

Ugh, she already knows....

-So you know about it right?

-Yes I do, and how could you not tell me about it?

-Jen I'm sorry, you were sleeping when Ryan called me and told me about the trip and I didn't want to wake you up.  But hey, today I was at the Voice studio and we signed the papers, so it's official, I will be a judge on the voice.

-I'm still mad but I'm happy for you my bestie.

She said and hugged me tight. Wow I thought she will yell at me. I kissed her forehead and we eat our meal.

I told her everything about the Voice. I know Jennifer doesn't want me to leave but it's the best way to build my career. I will miss Idol and the crew, especially Jennifer.

But now I can't step back, my plane will leave next week.

Sorry for the short chapeter, I have so much things to do :) But I will make the next part longer.

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