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Hey. Sorry this is my first one-shot so plz forgive me for anything wrong. Plz give me ideas in the comments and don't forget to click the little star! :)  bye now!

Declan's P.O.V

"Hey, Declan! Get your ass over here!"

There goes Jordan.

I sighed and got up from my comfortable position on the couch. Bennett, Naomi, and I were planning on watching a horror movie. Secretly I suggested it because when Naomi gets scared she cuddles the person closest to her. And I planned in sitting right next to her.

See, the thing is, I like Naomi. Not like a friend. Something more...

I love the way her brown eyes sparkle when she's happy and how they turn cold as ice when she's furious. I love her snarky and sassy attitude and I know she can fend for herself. Not that I'd test it. Her eyes soften into chocolate pudding when she feels sad or is upset. Her smile lights up my day. She is my light in the darkness, the apple of my eye, my zen in- Wait, WHAT?! Forget I said all that. Somethings wrong with me and she is perf- NO! Stop thinking about it Declan! She is beau- WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!!!! Sorry getting off track here.

Anyways. Jordan has a date with a girl named Candice. No, not 'Candy' girl that he pretended to date. This Candice is very sweet and kind. She has a sense of humor too. She's pretty and awesome with a carefree nature. I thought since Jordan was having a date. ( which is so unlike him, he usually never bothered with girls. Well I mean he did but he never went on dates) I'd take over his love in pranking, so I picked a simple plan. Put spray paint in his hair gel. But that's not all, that's not all... You see, I'm very evil. Spray paint was not enough.

*rubbing hands together evilly*

I put itchy powder in his pants and underwear, doodled on his best white shirt, cut long strips in his suit, and put a mustache on him when he was sleeping earlier.

*cue the evil laughter then starts hacking from strain of throat*

I kept him away from the mirrors until now. It was very hard work because he thinks he's 'hot' and he needs to be presentable at all times. Which, because of me, is not going to happen. Ok, back to the right track.


I smirked as I walked to his room.

I arrived to the funniest scene of my life. Jordan was hopping around scratching his hips to his feet, wearing a shirt that said: Hello, I am Dummy. With a suit that had strips and tatters, and his hair bright green from the spray paint, and an old times mustache on his face. I was laughing so hard I fell on the floor rolling this way and that. Jordan frowned at me and said,

"Are you responsible for this young boy? Don't you know that my future wife and I are going to a restaurant. The best restaurant in TOWN?!"

I had finally calmed down and was nodding when...

I looked up at his face, purple and red with anger and just lost it again.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOT YOU GOOD DIDN'T I?!!!" Jordan looked as if he was about to pop a vein. I scrambled out of the room still giggling when I bumped into someone.

"Declan... What did you do?..."

The voice sounded like an angel's. I looked up and saw Naomi. My heart fluttered when she raised an eyebrow and I could feel a flush creeping up my neck and to the tips of my ears.

"Hehe... Nothing.... I just..." I trailed off when she leaned over and, and...

Walked right past me.

I heard her gasp when she saw Jordan and I knew she was gonna be after me any second, so I sprinted down the hall and slipped into a closet. I heard her shouts and her demands that I come out but I stayed put. I was to young to die.

I heard her footsteps pause outside the door and I caught my breath.

Please! Please don't let her find me! IM TO YOUNG TO DIIIEEE!!!

The door creaked open slightly and a sliver of light caught my face.


Naomi quietly tiptoed in and pressed me against the wall getting closer to me every second... I guess I wouldn't have to wait for tonight for Naomi to cuddle with me. But I got something better...

She leaned closer and closer and she kissed me...

HEYY! I hoped you liked that. Not bad for my first time? Actually, that's up to you. PLZ comment and vote. It really means a lot. I write based on ideas from comments so no comments = no story. Sorry bout that guys but if I have no motivation what the point? Anyway, thanks and plz don't forget to comment and vote. Love ya all! Chow!

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