Decomi {part 3}

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"Declan! Come down! It's n emergency!" I rolled my eyes at the stilted drama skills Bennett was displaying. It was stilted but loud. A grunt and a thud told me that Declan had been soundly sleeping when Bennett's loud voice woke him up. Out of surprise he managed to slip or tumble out of bed.

Dam it.

I should've set a video camer....

Guys! It's not what you think! I mean, Declan only has his really awkward moment in private. I would've paid to see Declan tangled in sheets like a ghost flailing around on the floor. It's that good.

Loud thuds on the stairs was telling me that Declan was more than a bit peeved and was storming down the stairs.

I flung myself onto my bed at the base and nestled into the comforters.

Just a couple minutes...



"NAOMI! YES!! I WILL! IM SO GLAD!!" I sat up groggily wondering what all the fuss was about. I had just started rubbing my eyes when my bedroom for swung open hitting the wall with a


"Uh... Yah? Declan, What's going on?" Declan stood in the doorway an amazing smile plastered on his face.

"Yes yes yes yes yes!" He bounced up and down pure joy showing on his face.

"Whaa?" I was totally confused. Declan ran over to me enveloping me in a hug and squishing the air out of my lungs.

"C-can't brea-ath...." I inhaled trying to get some beautiful air in my lungs before I died.

"Naomi! You didn't have to do all that! Of course I'll be how boyfriend!" My eyes widened in shock.

"W-what are you t...talking about?" I spluttered trying to get a grip on the situation.

"The hot air balloon, the text, poster, banner, and freaking airplane!" I was at a complete loss for words. What the hell was this crazy dude trying to talk to me about?!


What Jordan said! He was planning on getting Declan and I together!

That $@*%#•!!!!!!

I flung Declan off me with surprising strength. I'm guessing the rage and anger fueled me...

Declan landed on the floor with a thud making the cabinets shake ever so slightly. I jumps up from my bed and stormed right past Declan.

Oh Jordan! You know what?! I have your coffin open and ready, LETS GO!

I found Jordan conked out on the couch. Since I was evil and mean and stingy and mean and did I mention mean? I yanked the blanket he was using right off him making him roll like a burrito onto the floor landing on his face.

"You!" I growled poking his eye. He let out a slight whine.

"You did this to me!" I slumped into the chair looking into space.

"S-so you d...don't like D-Declan?" I asked confused.

I hesitated.

"Don't get me wrong, I like Declan, maybe even like like, but I'm just not ready for that type of relationship again, I don't want to get hurt again." I sighed inwardly, I was having an internal controversy.

------two days later-----

After school when I came home to he base I saw Declan cuddling a puppy. He was chestnut brown with a white chest, brown nose and adorable brown eyes.

"Aw!" I ruffled his fur and said.

"Hey DeckDaHalls." I made fun of Declan's username on our app, Trace Ace. He barely glanced at me.

"What do you want?" he muttered.

"Guess who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." I snorted and walked past him.

After a satisfying dinner or Bennett's lasagna Declan excused himself to go play with Chester. (That's what the puppy's name is)

Walking upstairs after helping Bennett clean up the kitchen I walked past Declan's room.

"I can't decide who's cuter, you it Naomi." His door was open a tad and I saw him squinting at the puppy adorably.

I flushed red but flung open the door and walked in.

"Me!" I laughed lightly but leaped over to Declan and kissed him hard.

"I like you Declan."

"I love you Naomi."

We smiled at each other and walked downstairs into the living room holding hands.

I was rewarded with Bennett's mouth dropping open and Jordan dropping the box of pizza he was carrying.(right after dinner, I know... That guy can eat like a satyr.) The look on their faces was priceless.

We kissed right in front of them, Bennett's face visibly paled and Jordan, well, how can I say this, he fainted.


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Guys I made this  extra long for u. I know long is usually like 1000 words but I figured this was the best way to end the chappie. Love ya'll


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