Decomi {part 1}

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"HELLOOOOOOO...." A loud voice broke through my haze of day dreams. At the moment I was lying upside down bored out of my mind. I was wearing short shorts and a tank top with flip flops.


It over one hundred degrees. I would ask for ice cream but I don't want to start another fudging fight about the frickin flavors of ice cream. I loved Neapolitan but strawberry was my second favorite. Of course I couldn't tell the boys that or Declan, sweet De-

SORRY! Got a little off track.

Or Declan and I would be buried in golden coffins bought especially  for us. I'm not ready to die yet.

Jordan was the one who had just broken through my wonderful day dream.

Declan and I were at the top of a waterfall just splashing each other like friends until he had leaned in and was about to kiss me.

Ok FINE! I'm not that bored because I'm dreaming about Declan.

"Naomi..." A sing song voice interrupted my thoughts again.

"Declan is coming in five minutes." I sat up so quickly people would have thought I was electrocuted.

I was so ugly right now, I needed to change, should I dye my hair?

"Whoa whoa. We all know you like Declan but dying your hair? Isn't that a little to much?" My eyes snapped to Jordan.

"W-why would you...t-think I l-like him?" I stuttered nervously. Jordan raised his eyebrow.

"Your being serious?"

I nodded.

He sighed saying,

"We see how you girls look at boys and when we look at you your gaze snaps to the floor and you laugh louder around him. What I'm trying to say is, we're not as dumb as you think. We notice these things."

I turned 50 shades of red.

Here I was thinking boys were dumb and they'd never know when two of them knew all along.

I think I need to go jump off a cliff of I've been that obvious.

I push the thought aside and run upstairs to get ready.

Some minutes later I came downstairs wearing a white shirt which said Rebel on it with a red and black plaid flannel shirt tied around my waist and skinny jeans. If I may say so myself, I looked awesome.

Declan's so cute. I wish I knew if he liked me or not.

"Why do you ask that?" A voice so similar yet embarrassing at this moment purred.

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Hi!! PLZ keep up the views. I luv all you guys so much. Let's focus on getting this to 200 views. That cool? Well, keep voting and commenting. I'm runnin out of ideas. Well, if I'm being honest, I'm flat out of ideas, if you want this book to continue then I suggest you get those little brains workin.... Mine died. Again it's late here so I need to go to sleep.

Your Truly,
Your sleep deprived author,


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