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Sorry guys if I spelled the ship name wrong. Anyways:



"Hey!" I turned to the source of the voice.


"Yea?" I asked mildly irritated. Jordan smiled widely.

"So there is this party tomorrow and it's Raymond's so I was hoping we could go and crash it. It would be so awesome because he's a jerk and all. IT WOULD BE AMA-" I slapped my hand over his mouth before he could talk my ear off. I stared at him and he licked my hand trying to get me away.

I rolled my eyes and just punched his baby makers. He bent over in pain groaning.

"That's what you get you dip-" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I spun around ready to sucker punch the person.


I lowered my hand and sighed. Can't punch him. He's to strong. Also because I-I-I L-Li....

I give up. I can't bring myself to admit I broke the contract. I DIDN'T!!! I SWEAR!!!

I must have been staring at him because a sudden clearing of throat accompanied by,

"Article 15 section 5."

Had me jumping out of my pants.


Not literally for those perverts out there.

Again I stared into the beautiful irises that were Bennett's. The ice blue made me get lost. Like a maze. Bennett was a maze that I was trying to get through. He was closed off except when he was with his friends or, he was protecting me, or maybe, just maybe, when he looked at me...

When he did those things, he almost opened up. He was a door with the key thrown away.

I was looking for that key.

"GET YOUR BUTT BACK TO THE PRESENT!!!" The shout jerked me back to reality. I smiled sheepishly at Bennett and something flashed in his eyes that I couldn't decipher. I stare at him harder but he tapped my arm causing me to flinch.

"LETS GO TO THE FREAKING PARTY A'IGHT!?" Jordan screamed. I rubbed my ear trying to get it to start working again.

"I hate parties." Bennett whispered. There, the dang ear is working again. One whisper from Bennett had me squeal inside.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Let's go..."

* * *

"Let's get out of here." A soft voice broke through my day dreaming.

If you must know, it was Bennett and I having a picnic. We were about to kiss when this moron barged through my dreams.

I spun around.

Oh, it's Bennett, in that case, forget I said he was a moron and stuff.... Hehe

"Did u just say I was a moron?" Bennett's confused face was looking down at me.

"I-I uh... I-I didn't m-mean... It?" I stuttered and my answer came out as a question.

Crap, I really have to stop saying my thoughts out loud like that!

"Yes, yes you do."


"Yep!" Bennett tugged my by the arm.

"Let's ditch this lame party. Jordan wot notice, he's completely wasted, and Declan is like, nowhere to be found."

We snuck through the crowds, clinging to each other so we don't get separated. He walked to his car and held the door open for me.

What a gentleman..

I walked in and sat down, flattening my skirt. Jordan had said that this skirt was to revealing, it went past my knees!

We stopped at a lake, and just like the dream he pulled a basket of food out of the trunk of the car.

My stomach gurgled loudly and Bennett chuckled slightly.

"Hungry much?" He wiggled his eyebrows and set to work setting out the food.

Once he was done we laid down on a blanket that we found in the car.

"Hey... Do u see Orion?" I pointed to a cluster of stars forming the shape of a man with a belt.

When I was little it always fascinated me. I couldn't figure out how the stars had aligned to make this distinct shape.

I noticed Bennett was staring at me rather then the stars.

"Hey! Eyes to the sky buddy. I don't care how stunning I look."

I gave my hair an exaggerated hair flip. Jokingly of course. His eyes flicked to the sky but I soon felt his burning gaze on me, studying me.

"Your beautiful. You know that right?" Bennett leaned over to me and gave a quick peck on the lips. I jumped up and grabbed him.

"You do know I love you right?" I said shyly.

"And u do know that I love you too?" His whisper was intense and full of passion. I looked into his eyes and saw... He opened up... I had found the key.



CHAPPIE OVAH!! Finally! I thought I'd never finish.!

It's 11:00 here and I need to go to bed. Plz vote & comment. You really have no idea how much it means to me. Ok... Gn!

-yours truly,

The sleep deprived author...


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